Chapter 11: seeking Redemption

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Rose slammed her bedroom door shut leaning against it, slowly sitting on the ground, her heart carrying a heavy weight of a burden that crushed her soul under the foot of betrayal. Her shaking hands covered her face failing to restrain her tears from falling. Why? A question she found herself pondering about a lot.

Cooper sat alone in the yard, his sweaty hands rubbing against eachother even though it was cold out here he was feeling hot, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions between anger and regret, if only he could undo it all.

“Mr. Hill” a familiar voice called out to him, it was Scott. He approached Cooper awkwardly sitting down next to him on the bench, Both have never talked properly before. Cooper shifted a little, he didn't reply to Scott but rather remained silent as he looked ahead. “tough night, eh?” Scott said trying to ease the tension they both felt however, Cooper was having none of it so Scott decided to get to the point “Back there… What Carter said…”

“Carter is an asshole who shits from his mouth instead of his ass.”

“he must be special.”

“nah he's just ill.” Cooper said shaking his head.

Scott continued “and the way your wife reacted?”

“this has nothing to do with anything.” Cooper said defensively.

Both men fell silent a weight of unspoken truth tensing the atmosphere “she knows” Cooper spoke up “she knows” he repeated causing Scott to raise a confused and slightly unsure eyebrow at his statement.

“that night,” Cooper continued “the night Charles was murdered… I was with Morgan, we were sitting here”Cooper's mind traveled through the events of that night, clips of that heinous night flashing through his mind like a videotape…
The elegant mansion, with its neoclassical facade bathed in the soft glow of outdoor torches, stood as a stately beacon of sophistication, beckoning guests to its grand entrance. Inside, the opulent ballroom was adorned with sparkling chandeliers, casting a warm, golden ambience over the gathering.

As the clock struck eight, guests began to arrive, their velvety voices mingling with the soft strains of live jazz music floating through the air. Men in sharp tailored suits and women in glamorous evening gowns swept up the grand staircase, their laughter and lively chatter adding a palpable energy to the already vibrant atmosphere.

The sound of clinking glasses and the gentle tinkle of silverware echoed through the dining room, where a sumptuous feast awaited the attendees. Tables were adorned with exquisite floral arrangements and glittering candelabras, casting an enchanting glow over the feast. The scent of rich, savory dishes mingled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked pastries, enticing guests to indulge in the culinary delights.

In the midst of the lively chatter, the moment arrived that all had been waiting for - the dance. The grand ballroom, with its polished marble floors and vaulted ceilings, served as the perfect stage for the night's entertainment. As the music swelled, couples took to the floor, moving with effortless grace and elegance. The room was a whirl of color and movement, as the dancers spun and twirled in perfect harmony. On this icy night, the tender warmth of loving couples swayed in graceful harmony. Amidst this lovely display of affection, there was one lone heart, that of Rose. She sat in solitude in her bedroom, gazing out of the window towards the moonlit garden below. Her heart ached with a haunting sorrow as thoughts of her husband consumed her being, enveloping her in an unbearable longing for his presence.

Outside, the sprawling gardens of the mansion were transformed into an enchanting wonderland. Soft moonlight filtered through the gently swaying branches of ancient trees, casting enchanting shadows on the ground below. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of flowing fountains provided a serene backdrop for those seeking a quiet moment of respite amidst the revelry.

As the night wore on, the atmosphere became increasingly animated, the energy of the gathering reaching a fever pitch. Laughter and merriment filled the air, weaving a tapestry of joy and celebration that enveloped the entire mansion. In that moment, in a slightly unnoticed corner of the garden Cooper sat next to Morgan as the music from inside faded into the night, Cooper and the woman before him were engaged in a sweet conversation.

For a married man, Cooper sure forgot about his vows to his wife for his heart was beating for another woman, the woman infront of him who was aware of the consequences of this betrayal but as of right now, it didn't matter. her yes sparkling jewels, alive with a radiant glow that seems to illuminate the soul from within. They are windows to a world of affection and warmth, reflecting a deep sense of connection and understanding. Gazing into each other's eyes, brimming with love, one can feel the tender embrace of emotion, the unspoken language of the heart. Their eyes convey a sense of unyielding adoration, a silent declaration of devotion that transcends words. There's a softness in their gaze, a warmth that seems to envelop and comfort, creating an undeniable sense of intimacy.

But did she deserve to be happy? Morgan thought. Did her happiness matter if it meant hurting another innocent woman who had showed Morgan nothing but respect? A battle between her heart and mind began, to which her mind had won. The word of truth cannot be denied. Her eyes reflected sorrow and regret

"what are we doing?" she asked. “I can't keep doing this.” Morgan panicked, she slowly backed away from cooper who reached for hand trying to hold her.

“I know this wrong, it is wrong” Cooper said “but I can no longer pretend to think about my wife instead of you, I can't deny my feelings, I can-”

“this is a mistake”Morgan interrupted him. “how can you say this? How can you do this to your own wife who loved you and devoted her whole life for you?” at this moment, Morgan decided to set things right, it wasn't easy but it was wrong. Morgan left cooper in shock as she entered the mansion looking for Rose, Cooper followed her yelling her name trying to stop her from what he believed was a mistake.
“I tried to stop her, I know what I did was wrong, I swear I regret it, I swear I hate myself for it” Cooper's chest feels tight, his breath coming in ragged gasps as a torrent of guilt and remorse washes over him, his body is a canvas of tension and distress. His muscles ache with the weight of his emotional turmoil, his shoulders slumping with the heavy burden of his regret. How did he allow himself to stray from the vows he had solemnly sworn?

“I ran after her to stop her from telling Rose” Cooper continued, His brow furrows, and his hands tremble with a mixture of anger and self-loathing as he grapples with the weight of his actions. “I was right behind her but when we reached upstairs we heard yelling, it was Carter and his sister along with Barbara and Jacqueline. They were…” Cooper stopped not being able to finish his sentence, Scott nodded understanding his point.

Cooper stood up with a small ember of determination to seek redemption and make amends to set things right, the consequences didn't matter he had to tell his wife.

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