Chapter 10: A Dead End

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The lights of the police station flashed with an eerie glow as Detective Scott and Matthew arrived. Inside, The dimly lit room casted a harsh shadow over Joseph's face Scott sat infront of Joseph, his eyes narrowed in suspicion as they pierced with determination, his elbows rested on the table infront of him. Matthew sat next to scott, his eyes fixed on Joseph with a piercing intensity.

Joseph's demeanor was hard to read, he was calm, calmer than usual but within his soul a storm was raging, threatening to break his coolly facade. They say, the eyes are the window to the soul but Joseph's eyes couldn't have looked more dead than this, it was as if his humanly soul was replaced with a dead one.

“there's no point hiding now.” Scott began “it's all out in the light.”

There was a sudden change in the atmosphere, Joseph's calm facade was now replaced with menacing one, his eyes glinted with an intense stare that creeped into both Scott and Matthew's soul, Joseph's lips curled into a menacing smile, his voice taking on a tone that cut through the suffocating tension. “I should've known… I should've known….”

“should've known the consequences of your own actions.” Scott leaned forward, he knit his eyebrows with confusion “Joseph, I need you to start being honest with me," Scott said firmly. "All the evidence points to you.”

Joseph's jaw clenched, his eyes burning with anger. "I didn't do it, damn it!" he snapped standing up causing the chair to fall. "why would I kill him? My own brother, do you here yourself?!”

"Love can turn to hatred, Joseph," Scott replied coolly. "And right now, I'm starting to believe that you might have had a reason to commit this crime.” Scott continued “what about the will?”

Joseph grit his teeth, he sat back down trying to stay calm. “it is true…” his fists clenched as he fought to control his temper. "I swear on my life, I didn't do it! You have to believe me!”

But Detective Scott could see the rage and desperation in Joseph's eyes, and it only confirmed his suspicions. Joseph was an asshole and he wouldn't put it past him to commit such a heinous act.

"Until I see some solid evidence that proves your innocence, Joseph, I can't take your word for it," Scott said, rising from his chair. "You're going to rot in prison for a long time if you don't start cooperating."

As Scott left the room, Joseph seethed with anger and resentment. Without proof, there was nothing he could do. And as the weight of his helplessness bore down on him, he knew justice would have to be taken into his own hands.

Joseph scoffed, his demeanor growing even more hostile. "You'll see. I'll find the evidence myself if I have to.” he seethed. “I'll make you pay, all of you!” With no concrete proof to go on, the case remained frustratingly unresolved.


It is said that forgiveness is an attribute of the strong but does apology have any meaning if the damage is done? We were brought into this existence marred by illness, plaqued by a brokenness that constantly haunts our souls, we were born sick constructing a labyrinth of destruction, We live in a world we're humans no longer know humanity.

The mansion was quiet, more quiet than it has ever been. The family sat quietly at the dinner table silently eating, it was hard to describe what everyone was feeling or their true intentions.

The quiet evening was disturbed by a loud knock on the door, Daniel then walked with a young woman, she had a beautiful foreign looking face, white skin, big brown eyes, long curly black hair. Her manicured hands had light pink nails which matched her dress. Barbara immediately walked towards her giving her a warm hug, a hug that the woman returned with even more warmth, it seemed like a hug they both needed.

After a short conversation between Barbara and the woman, Barbara introduced her "This is Morgan Wright, My dear friend."

Scott offered his hand introducing himself, the rest of the family was of course familer with her

"excuse me" Rose excused herself as she walked upstairs, her plate was barely touched throughout the night, Cooper nodded giving her a worried look.

Morgan offered her condolences to Barbara then sat down with the rest of the Family.

"it's so weird seeing you again" Mary began earning a smug giggle from her brother, Cooper eyed them both as if asking them to shut up or rather begging them.

"why is that?" Morgan asked pressing her lips together, her nervous eyes scanning her surroundings, the atmosphere felt tense.

Cooper then stood up as his eyes stared intensely at Carter and Mary, his harsh steps stomping upstairs as he left the dining room, leaving the rest wondering what had happened except the Palmer twins who seemed rather satisfied.

"what just happened?" Barbara asked.

"Oh you know how cooper is, it's easy to get under his skin" Carter replied, his sister smugly looking at Morgan while slowly chewing her food.

"Enough!" Morgan yelled also standing up and rushing out of the dinning room.

"for fucks sake!" Barbara yelled at Carter "can you for once not stick your big nose in anyone's ass!" Barbara yelled, her words slowly fading as she also walked out of the room leaving the Palmer twins eating with satisfaction.

"You're such a gentleman, Mr. Carter," Scott said.

"Why, thank you, detective. It's a natural habit," Carter replied.

"You seem to be doing just fine for someone who was attacked a few hours ago," Scott pointed out.

"I adapt quickly," Carter remarked.

"It sure looks like it," Scott responded, rising up from his chair to leave as well.

After the conversation with Scott. Carter and Mary exchanged knowing glances as they both stood up and followed Morgan. They shared a secretive smirk, a shared understanding of the recent events beyond the simple sibling bond. As they approached Morgan, Mary's eyes narrowed and she shot a condescending glance in her direction.

"Well, well, well, look who's gracing us with her presence," Mary taunted, her tone dripping with malice.

Carter joined in, a sly smirk playing on his lips. "Yes, quite a surprise to see you here, Morgan. After all that's happened, one would think you'd have had enough drama for one day... Or few days”

Morgan felt her uneasiness rising, but she held her ground. "I don't have time for your games, Carter. I just want to get through this…Family gathering without any unnecessary drama."

"Family gathering? Is that what you call this circus?" Mary scoffed, her voice laced with disdain.
Before Morgan could respond, Barbara entered the room, casting a meaningful glance at Mary.

"Mary we should really discuss some... family matters—privately," she said, her gaze full of veiled warning. “please.”

Mary's face contorted with barely concealed irritation, but she simply nodded and followed Barbara out of the room. As they walked away, Morgan caught a glimpse of tension and unease between the two.

Left alone with Carter, Morgan felt a wave of frustration and disparagement. "You know," Carter sneered, "you really should be more careful with your words, Morgan. People might start to wonder why Cooper is so protective of you."

Morgan's fists clenched in frustration. "Stay out of my business, Carter. You have enough of your own to deal with."

Carter chuckled darkly. "Oh, but I like your business more.”

"it should've been you not Charles!”  Morgan's resentment burned as she watched Carter saunter away, leaving her to contend with the toxic dynamic that had always plagued their family.

As the tension lingered in the air, Morgan found herself grappling with the unsettling knowledge of the tangled secrets and alliances that threatened to unravel the fragile fabric of their family. She had no one else outside except her old father and now, what was once called family, has faded away with time…

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