27 👻 🎉 Little Bird Lost

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Saturday 11th May

It's been four days since I was last in Jamie's bar. Roxy called me the next day. Asked if I wanted to meet her Saturday night, said it would be just the two of us, a quiet drink somewhere.

I didn't tell you. Not after the scene you made about me and Roxy in the cage. Apart from Jameson, I have a history of jealous boyfriends. I've learnt how to handle that .

I swing the door to Jamie's place open, it's crowded, so I make my way to the bar.

'Lilah, Lilah, over here,' Roxy's standing on a bar stool, shouting at me over the heads of the other punters, and waving. A couple of guys are looking up at her in her short, short skirt, and high, high heels. The guys are smiling, but not creepily. They seem nice. She looks down at them both and they each hold out a hand, lifting her down and placing her next to her stool, Marilyn Monroe style.

Clever girl. She knows how to work them, the same way I do. When she said to meet in Jamie's bar, I wondered if it was because she knows it's one of the few bars in The Bay, that is not in Freya's pocket. That means the staff are not on her payroll, and that means they're not reporting back to her.

I kiss each of Roxy's cheeks, and a guy stands from the stool next to hers, indicating that I should take it. I smile and sit down.

'What'll you have, Gorgeous,' the bar man shouts as he leans across the bar to me, ignoring the other customers, that are clearly in front of me in the getting-served-by-the-hot-barman cue.

'Margarita please,' I shout back.

'Make that two margaritas,' shouts Roxy, giving him a grim smile.

'Two margaritas coming up girls.'

Roxy turns to me and rolls her eyes. 'Watch out for that one.'


'Fake Dom. Hasn't a clue what he's doing. Tries to collar any girl in his eyeline. Then shows no care for them.'

'Really?' I watch the hot-as-fuck barman as he mixes the drinks. 'You sure?'

'Oh, I'm sure,' she says in a way that makes me think she's experienced him.

'Roxy, I thought you were a Domme. What were you doing with him?'

'It wasn't me that was with him. It was my friend. She had a fucking nightmare. Oh, he appears to be all charm and intellect, but that boy is a disaster. Makes everything a game, but never puts the game back in the box. Never gives aftercare, and doesn't communicate when he wants to move on. He's cold. Hard. Doesn't give a damn about anyone, except himself. He plays a dangerous game.'

A chill runs through my lungs. 'Jesus, I'm good at reading people, but I never would have picked that up. Maybe I'm losing my touch.'

'Maybe you are,' she says, raising a brow.

'What do you mean?'

'Aren't you with that guy from last Tuesday. The one that was in the cage with you? Mac?'

'Mac? Yeah? What are you saying? Is there something I should know?'

The now, not-so-hot-as-fuck barman is leaning over the bar with our drinks. He flicks his eyes towards Roxy, and says, 'Hey Rox. You just missed Freya. Shame, she was asking after you.'

'Freya? Freya Wilde?' I say to him.

'Yeah, that's right, Baby Girl. Freya Wilde.'

'That's who I'm staying with. She didn't tell me she was coming here.'

He smirks and Roxy's face pales as she sips her drink.

'Yeah, she just visited. Likes to keep an eye on the place from time to time.'

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