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It wasn't their choice to fall in love, it wasn't planned at all,
but controlling that
was beyond their capabilities.
It wasn't their expectation
to face all what they faced,
but no matter what came their way, they were meant to be.

"A promise is a promise" Says Jane, baking the cookies she just prepared with her younger sister,Christelle.

Listening to what Jane just said, a cheerful smile decorated Christelle's cute face. She ran up to her room all excited, while her sister was looking at her, lost in her adorable figure.

Suddenly, a call got her attention, it was her best friend, Sarah.
She cleaned her hands with an orange cloth and answered the call.

Sarah's voice comes through the phone filled with excitement, "Jane, are you ready?"

Confusion washed over Jane as she replied, "Ready for what?"

She answered feeling guilty for forgetting, she always sucked at remembering anyway.

Sarah's tone turned slightly disappointed, "Jane! You promised to help me choose a dress for Angela's birthday party!"

Realization hit Jane like a ton of bricks. "Ohh yeah!! Look Sarah, I'm taking care of my sister right now, my parents are out!"

Sarah suggested, "Can't she come with us? It's tomorrow, you know I like taking your opinion on clothes!"

Jane pondered for a moment, considering the logistics. "Okay, no problem, just give us like thirty minutes."

With that, she hung up the call, feeling a mix of guilt and determination to keep her promise this time.

Promises are often meant to be broken.
Did you ever think twice before making a promise?
Or 'I promise' has just become a sentence you daily use to shut up the requests?
Did you ever think of how important it could mean to the person you're giving a promise?
You usually don't take a lot of time thinking about this, but trust me, saying a simple 'no' will hurt way less, then a broken promise.

She rushed up, calling for Christelle.
She opened her door, and found her playing with her dolls.

Jane said with a smile: "Chris, please wear your shoes and get ready, we are going for some shopping okay?"

Christelle just nod cutely, while Jane went to her room to get ready.


Sarah twirled in front of the mirror, her eyes shining with excitement. "What do you think about this dress?" she asked, striking a pose.

Jane grinned and studied her friend's reflection. "Wow, Sarah, you look absolutely stunning! That dress fits you like a glove. You're going to steal all the attention!"

At her words, Sarah smiled feeling all happy and confident about her look.

Sarah: "Jane, check out this dress I found! It's absolutely stunning, don't you think?"

Jane: "Hmm, it's really beautiful Sarah, but I've already picked out my dress. I'm pretty set on it."

Sarah: "Oh come on, Jane! You have to try it on, it's pretty similar to mine also!"

Jane: "Please Sarah, I'm already confident about my choice, let's focus on finding some accessories instead."

"Alright, I respect your decision, even though, I have already imagined how fabulous we could've looked together  if we both wear these dresses. We'll be the talk of the town!" Said Sarah dramatically while whipping off her imaginary tears.

Jane: "Haha, What a manipulative behavior Sarah, I should take some course from you!" Says Jane snitching the dress out of Sara's hands to try it.

Sarah clapped her hands in excitement, while Jane went to try on the dress.

Jane and Sara stood in front of the mirror, marveling at their reflections. The elegant dresses hugged their figures perfectly, enhancing their beauty and confidence. They were  completely in awe of what they saw.  As they twirled and spun, the skirts billowed out like delicate petals, making them feel like they were floating on a cloud. Their laughter echoed through the room, a symphony of pure joy and excitement. They couldn't believe how stunning they looked and how incredible it felt to be caught up in this enchanting moment.

"I told you we're gonna look like princesses!"

"Let's get them-wait... Where is Christelle?" Says Jane panicking.

"She was here two minutes ago!"

"I can't believe this!"

Jane and Sarah frantically searched every corner of the store, their hearts racing with worry. "Christelle! Where are you?" Jane called out, her voice filled with panic.

"I can't find her anywhere!" Sarah exclaimed, her voice trembling. "We need to look outside the store. She must have wandered off!"

With a sense of urgency, they looked towards the store's exit, still wearing the beautiful dresses they hadn't bought yet. "We'll have to buy them first and change later," Jane suggested, her voice filled with a mix of determination and embarrassment.

As they hurriedly made their way through the Store, anxious thoughts raced through their minds. "I can't believe this is happening," Jane said, her voice filled with worry. "We need to find Christelle as soon as possible."

They went to a changing room and quickly swapped their dresses for their regular clothes. They stepped out, feeling a sense of relief mingled with the lingering panic. "Let's go, Sarah. We need to find Christelle," Jane said, her voice determined.

As they stepped out of the store, their eyes widened in shock. There, standing before them, was a man dressed in black, wearing a mask, and holding Christelle's hand tightly.

Jane's heart skipped a beat as she called out, her voice trembling, "Christelle! Is that you?" To her surprise, Christelle turned around, happily munching on an ice cream cone.

Confused yet relieved, Jane approached them cautiously. "What happened, Christelle? Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

The man, sensing Jane's worry, started explaining, "I happened to be in the mall when I noticed this little girl looking upset and huffing. I went up to her and asked if she was okay. She seemed angry and told me she got separated from her sister."

Realizing that this man had helped her sister, Jane's expression softened. "Thank you for taking care of her and buying her an ice cream," Jane said, her voice filled with gratitude.

The man nodded, his eyes filled with kindness. "I wanted to make sure she was safe and happy

Jane's heart filled with relief as she embraced her little sister. "Oh, Christelle, I was so worried about you!

With a smile, the man left...

Jane looked at her sister smiling, "Never do that to me again!"

Christelle giggled and then said, "Can we go home now?"

Jane held her sister's hand, with Sarah next to her, leading to the mall's exit door, with negligence of the evil smirk that was watching them from behind...

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