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It's funny how, you sleep, everything is normal.
You wake up, and you never know what pages are waiting for you to flip them...

Jane rises from her slumber after a long night's sleep. As she opens her eyes, a surge of determination washes over her. It's a Monday morning, and she knows she has a lot on her plate.

With a deep breath, Jane throws off the covers and gets out of bed, ready to tackle the day head-on. She goes through her morning routine with precision and care, taking the time to choose an outfit that makes her feel confident and empowered.

Before heading out, she gives her mom a quick kiss and says a casual "Bye, Mom!" as she grabs an apple for a quick snack on the go. With her bag in tow, Jane hops into her car and drives off to school, enjoying the peaceful morning drive.

As she arrives at the university, Jane parks her car and heads inside, joining her classmates, Sara and Joy with a friendly smile.

"Hey girls!" She said all cheerfully.



Can you believe the sheer rotten luck Jane had? While her friends had  maths, she found herself stranded all alone in a Philosophy class. Talk about a major bummer!  It couldn't be worse! The last thing she needed was getting separated from her friends. Although, she gathered up all her gear, prepped herself with everything she would need, and eagerly awaited the arrival of her teacher, to start the lesson.

Out of the blue, a guy whom Jane barely knew and hardly ever spoke to, suddenly plops himself down right beside her. It was non-other than 'Matheo'. Jane was caught off guard at first, her mind racing with thoughts about what he wanted. Everyone knew he had a bit of a player reputation. But Jane, being the smart cookie she is, wasn't going to fall for any of his tricks.

She knew well that life isn't all rainbows and unicorns,and sometimes the scariest monsters are the ones walking around in human skin. Life had taught her some hard lessons, and she was, or she thought of herself ready to face any challenge that came her way.

As Jane tried her best to avert her gaze and avoid any sort of interaction with Matheo, luck seemed to have taken a break from her side that day. With a warm smile on his face, Matheo casually approached her and cheerfully asked, "Hey! Would you mind if I sit here?"

Feeling a twinge of nervousness, Jane returned his smile and responded, "Good morning! Oh, not at all!"

With that, the boy turned his attention towards the front as the teacher walked in, signaling the start of the lesson.


In the midst of a riveting classroom session, where the teacher was  unraveling the mysteries of a crucial topic that would be on the next test, Jane was laser-focused. She understood the importance of maintaining her stellar reputation and acing her grades, so she diligently absorbed every word the teacher uttered, meticulously jotting down notes to ensure she had all the essential details.

However, by some twist of fate, Matheo, who seemed utterly disinterested in the academic discourse, found himself searching for a way to pass the time. His eyes wandered aimlessly, seeking a distraction from the sea of monotony. And then, like a mischievous imp, he seized a piece of paper and began sketching lines, playfully adding an 'X' to create a makeshift tic-tac-toe grid. With a sly grin, he passed the paper over to Jane, inviting her to partake in this impromptu diversion from the lecture.

If Jane had possessed a tad more discernment, she might have politely declined Matheo's request and prioritized her studies. However, with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, she grabbed hold of a pen and, unable to resist the allure of friendly competition, playfully drew an 'O' on the paper, as smile tugged at the corners of her. And without noticing, they spent the whole hour playing, as if no one was around.


The class ended, Jane gathered her stuff and left a last smile to Matheo, before leading out.

Matheo looked at her leaving, with a mischievous smirk on his face.

With an air of disgust, Matheo whispered, "Girls like you are so easy to play with. effortlessly manipulated. I'll conquer this challenge in no time. It'll be a piece of cake! 'Twill be simpler than pilfering sweets from a wee bairn."

Rolling his eyes at the last lines, Matheo rose from his seat, and went out of class.

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