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There's nothing quite like the feeling of sinking into a cozy bed after a long, exhausting day. And Jane, well, she was no exception. After a super draining day at school, she finally made it home and practically collapsed onto her bed. It was like she was transported to a whole new world as she drifted off into a blissful slumber.


"Leave me!!"


Jane abruptly awakened, her breath ragged and heart pounding in her chest. She's got this unique sixth sense thing going on, and it can be pretty spooky. Ever since she was 12, she's been having these mind-boggling dreams that actually end up coming true. It's like her subconscious is trying to send her messages or something! Well, that night, she had this wild nightmare where she found herself transformed into a tiny, little mouse, desperately scurrying to escape from a menacing cat, and ended up swallowed whole by its voracious maw.

Despite the chilling nature of her dream, Jane couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all. She yawned and got out of bed.

Glancing at her phone, her eyes widened in alarm as she discovered that time had slipped away from her grasp. She was dreadfully late for school!

With the speed of light, she zoomed around her room, grabbing the very first thing that caught her eye and throwing it on. She brushed her teeth like a champ, all while slipping her feet into her shoes.

Without skipping a beat, Jane bolted down the stairs, practically flying towards her trusty four-wheeled companion parked outside. She didn't even have time to leave a single word behind. But at her misfortune, the car didn't want to work. She hit it, and went school running.

Jane stood before the classroom door, anticipating fueling her every heartbeat. With a determined knock, she sought permission from her teacher to enter the room. But to her dismay, the teacher's stern gaze met her pleading eyes, denying her entry. It was like a punch to the punishment awaited her, and she was about to face the consequences of her tardiness.

As the minutes ticked by, Jane found herself confined outside the classroom, missing out on the valuable lessons being taught within. Could it get any worse?


During the lunch break, Jane and her friends gathered to share their food and vent about the rough day they had all been enduring. The air was filled with disappointment and frustration.

Out of nowhere, Matheo appeared and confidently took a seat right next to Jane. With a charming smile, Matheo turned to Jane and casually asked,

"What do you have at the 5th period?"

Her response was hesitant yet intrigued as she replied,

"I'm free."

And then, with a mischievous glint in his eye, Matheo leaned in and proposed,

"I have a football match. How about you come and cheer for me? Maybe your day could be a little better?"

The corners of Jane's mouth curled into a smile as she agreed, captivated by the prospect of a brighter moment amidst the chaos.

As Jane and Matheo made plans, her friends exchanged knowing glances. They couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, a sense of unease lingering in their hearts. But for now, they decided to trust Jane's judgment and hope for the best.


It was finally time for the match, and Jane found herself a prime spot to eagerly await the start. The stadium buzzed with energy as passionate fans filled the stands, their cheers and chants creating an electric atmosphere.

As Jane settled into her seat, anticipation coursed through her veins. She couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness, her heart beating to the rhythm of the crowd. The stadium lights illuminated the field, casting a vibrant glow that made everything come to life.

The players took their positions on the field, their muscles tensed and ready for action. The sound of the referee's whistle pierced the air, marking the beginning of a battle between skill, strategy, and sheer determination.

With each passing minute, the match intensified. The players showcased their agility and prowess, weaving through the defense, launching powerful shots towards the goal. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause with every near miss and incredible save, their enthusiasm contagious.

Jane found herself caught up in the collective spirit of the crowd, her voice blending with others as they chanted their team's name. Every goal, every incredible display of athleticism, sent waves of exhilaration through the stadium. The atmosphere was electric, an experience that Jane would remember for a lifetime.


With just a few minutes left on the clock, the tension in the air was palpable. The score was tied at six, and Jane's heart raced with anticipation. Every second felt like an eternity as she watched the players give their all on the field.

And then, in a moment of sheer determination, Matheo seized the ball and sprinted towards the opposing team's goal. With lightning speed, he maneuvered past defenders, his feet dancing with precision. The crowd held its breath as Matheo unleashed a powerful shot, sending the ball soaring through the air.

Time seemed to stand still as everyone's eyes followed the trajectory of the ball. And then, the sweet sound of victory echoed through the stadium as the ball found the back of the net, securing an additional point for Matheo's team. The final whistle blew, and the scoreboard displayed the glorious truth: Matheo's team had emerged triumphant!

Jane couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She leaped to her feet, cheering and screaming with unbridled joy. In that moment, a surge of emotions washed over her. It wasn't just about the victory; it was the connection she felt with Matheo, despite barely knowing him. The bond forged through the shared passion for the game and the desire to see him succeed.

The stadium erupted in a symphony of cheers and applause, the energy reverberating through every corner. Jane's voice blended with the chorus of celebration as she shouted Matheo's name, her heart bursting with pride and admiration.

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