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'Time flies... They say, as the wind that blows mercilessly on winter's day..."

As the days went by, time seemed to stretch on for both Jane and Matheo. The weight of their encounter lingered in their minds, shaping their thoughts and emotions.

Jane found herself lost in a sea of conflicting feelings. The words she had overheard had shattered the trust she once had in Matheo. She couldn't shake off the hurt and confusion that consumed her. The weekend passed by in a blur as she mindlessly scrolled through her phone, seeking some sort of distraction from the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her.

Meanwhile, Matheo was consumed by thoughts of Jane. Her face haunted his every waking moment, and he couldn't understand the depth of the feelings she stirred within him. It was as if she had cast a spell over him, making him question everything he thought he knew about himself.

But while Matheo's heart longed for Jane, he couldn't deny the fear that gnawed at him. He was afraid that his pursuit of her would come at a cost—a cost that might strip him of the title he had held for years: that of being a player. He knew that being with Jane would change him, make him vulnerable in ways he had never experienced before. But for the first time in his life, he was willing to take that risk.

Desperate to reach out to her, Matheo attempted to call Jane countless times, only to be met with unanswered calls and silence. Three days had passed since their encounter, and he was left wondering why she had suddenly vanished from his life. The last message he received from her echoed in his mind, leaving him with a sinking feeling in his heart.

"Dont wait for me, im not feeling well, i went home."

As the nights grew darker, a haunting thought crept into Matheo's mind, filling him with dread. Did she know? Did she know how deeply he cared for her, how much he wanted to be a part of her life? The uncertainty gnawed at him, keeping him up at night, trapped in a web of his own fears and insecurities.

Both Jane and Matheo were caught in a labyrinth of emotions, yearning for resolution and understanding. Their paths had diverged, and the choices they made would shape their future. Little did they know that their lives were about to take a turn, leading them down a path they never expected.

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