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Life can surely be scary at the moment you least expect.
It's some kind of theater, people are real actors, very talented ones, that could play any role, anytime, and you never know if they are by your side or not.
You can never guess life, or what it had prepared for you today.
You never know if what you are doing is a good choice or not,
cause, if you put sugar and salt in front of you,
You won't know which is what, until you taste it.
In conclusion, You live life, but don't let life use you to live.


Jane was patiently waiting for Sara, to do her final touches in makeup. They were both looking so fantastic, that they will be the center of attention in the party.

She was walking in the living-room, when a very old photo of them caught her attention.

The girls have been best friends for a solid eight years now. They met back in college and instantly clicked. Seriously, they were inseparable! You know how it is when you find that one person who just gets you? Well, that's Jane and Sara. They were like two peas in a pod, always hanging out and having a blast together. Sara was like a sister to Jane, so naturally, she could be a little annoying sometimes. But when Jane was feeling down, Sara was always there to lift her spirits. She's the kind of friend who's got your back through the thick and thin.

Finally, Sara was fully ready.
She came running to her friend with her phone, and took a selfie, saving a moment in plus, that they won't forget.


Jane and Sara finally arrived at Angelina's birthday bash, gifts in hand and ready to celebrate. They walked up to her with big smiles on their faces, wishing her the happiest of birthdays. After catching up with their old friend for a bit, they decided to find a cozy corner to chill out and enjoy their drinks.

At the party, there was a lively group of boys hanging out together, having a great time. They were having a blast, laughing, joking around, and sipping on drinks. The vibes were electric! As they were sitting and chatting, one of the boys happened to catch sight of Jane and Sarah. His eyes were locked on them, and it didn't go unnoticed by his quick-witted friend. In a booming voice, he called out,

"Hey, what's with the starry-eyed look? You're falling hard, my friend!"

The entire group erupted in laughter, trying to keep things light and carefree.

"Stop! I was merely lost in thought, and they happened to be in my line of sight," replied the boy, feeling a tad offended.

"And here I thought you were an expert at controlling your emotions and avoiding love! Trivial sentiments, huh?" quipped the boy.

Who said I wasn't?" He retorted.

All of a sudden, one of the boys who was sitting among them interjected,

"Prove it!"

"How?" The boy inquired.

"See that curly-headed gal in the purple dress?"

"Ain't that Jane from the University?"

"Don't matter! You've got until Christmas to make her fall head over heels, without falling for her yourself!"

"Dare accepted!"

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