The beginning.

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The Beginning.

It was nighttime on pandora and everything seemed to be going well. It had been about a month since the RDA was defeated and most of the humans were sent back to earth. Those who stayed were the scientists who had sided with the Na'vi during the war and had earned the respect of the people. But there was another who had to stay behind. Miles Socorro, or just Spider as everyone else has dubbed him, is a month-old baby whose parents were on the wrong side of the war and ended up dying, leaving behind their defenseless child. They left him in the hands of people who barely take care of themselves properly, imagine how they will end up taking care of a baby who needs attention 24/7. That's how we find ourselves friends outside the window of the poor boy's room listening to him cry no one even bothering to come to heed him in his time of need. Oh, you see that creature hidden amongst the shadows of Pandora? That's me, I am a creature of the night. Something that even makes the mighty Toruk tremble in fear when it hears me sore through the sky.

My name is Aloka, and I was drawn to this human nest due to a very strange sound coming from it. As I draw closer the sound gets louder and louder. I got to what I thought was an opening but when I went to put my head through it, I smacked my snout on an invisible barrier. Groaning, I rub my paw against my snout before looking through the human made barrier trying to pinpoint what is making that sound. That's when I saw him. A human cub who looks to be no more than a moon old crying his little head off. My maternal instinct kicked in and wanting to help him I looked for a way in, but this nest didn't look to have any entrances or exits. So how do they get in and out? Suddenly an idea came to mind. Raising my paw, I bop it against the barrier whilst cooing loudly to gain the cubs attention. His cries turn to hiccups as he notices me. I croon at him before opening my mouth, sticking out my tongue and pressing my snout against the barrier whilst making funny faces. I can hear his muffled giggles reach my ears through the barrier as I pull away from it to look down at him properly.

I watch the little cub giggle before he reaches a chubby little paw up as if wanting to grab me. Oh sweet cub I wish to hold you as well, but I don't think I can get past this barrier, or can I? The little one's bed is far enough away that if i were to break down the barrier it will not hurt him. But I have seen the humans wear these weird face things whenever they are outside. Would he need a face thing as well and where can I get one if so. Just as I started to overthink things, an Atokorina from one of Eywa's great trees flies down and softly floats in front of the barrier. Well then that is all the confirmation that I needed. I raised up onto my hind legs and started slamming my upper body against the barrier. The barrier started to crack and red lights started flashing and this awful noise started screeching in my ear. That would not deter me though. I continued my assault on the clear barrier and finally it broke sending shards scattering across the ground. I crawled through the opening and brought my head up close to my soon to be new cub. Up close I can see that he has beautiful curly blond tufts of fur on his head and shining golden brown eyes.

I croon softly at him as I take in his image more. He is swaddled in a giant piece of cloth that hangs halfway out of his little bed and I lean in closer to get a whiff of his scent. He smells slightly like the human nest, which is a dull awful smell, but it is slightly overpowered by the cubs own unique scent. A scent of which I could not place but was very pleasing to my senses. Sticking out my tongue I give him a few gentle licks and in return I get loud giggles that make me coo. Retracting my teeth, I went to pick him up to leave when a scrawny human male burst through the entrance of the room and he's wearing the weird face thing. Spider! He shouts out as he entered the room like a wounded Yerik. He froze though once he saw me. He looks between me and the cub now dubbed Spider. He starts to get fidgety and immediately I know he wants to make a grab at MY cub. I snarled at him before Grabbing my little Spider giant cloth and all before taking off out the way I came in and flying out into the forest.

NO! I could hear him yell out as I flew away. Looking back, I could see him leaning against the broken barrier as tears welled up in his eyes. I felt slightly sorry but the Great Mother deemed him, and the rest of the humans unfit to parent him. That is why she led me to him that night knowing I would give him the love, care and attention he needed to grow big and strong. It was as if the great mother knew something none of us didn't would happen if this cub didn't get the parental care needed. I did know this though. Spider was now mine. Mine to me and no matter where he went or what they would call him he would always be my son.

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