A Fated Meeting.

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Aloka's POV
"Animal speaking"
"Na'vi speaking"
"Human speaking"

6 years have passed since I took Spider from the human nest and claimed him as my own. I raised him among my small pack as one of us, as a Fury teaching him the laws of Eywa and the Jungle. I have since that day dubbed today as not only his Birthday but also his adoption anniversary. Today he wished to go out flying and then gather some of his favorite fruits for lunch as well as some delicious fish. I walk on the ground as he scurries in the trees above me, looking for some of the fruits he wants. I strived to teach Spider all that I have learned in my life including different languages. Believe it or not us Furies can speak any language so we wish it most of the time we choose not to. "Spider remind me again the laws the great mother has set in place for us." I tell him as I watch him swing on a vine. "You shall not set stone upon stone. Neither shall you use the turning wheel, nor use the metals of the ground." he recites perfectly and the sensation of proudness washes over me.

"And what of the law of the jungle my smart little cub." I test him once more. "Now this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the Night Fury that shall keep it may prosper, but the Night Fury that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back. For the strength of the pack is the Night Fury, and the strength of the Night Fury is the pack." he recites perfectly. A smile takes over my muzzle and I look at him fondly. Jumping up into the trees with him. Walking over I nuzzle the top of his head. A purr exits my throat. "You make me so proud." I tell him as I pull away to look into his honey brown eyes. I huff a breath through my nose watching as it makes his wild and slightly tangled hair move as if it was windy. He is still so small compared to me, barely coming up to the top of my foreleg, that I fear even the smallest of leaves will knock him over. "There is a river a ways up ahead why don't you go and run ahead of me and i'll meet you there? Momma needs to think for a minute." I tell him and his little smile widens as he takes off towards the river letting out yips in hollers scaring some of the Fan lizards in his path.

3rd pov.

Spider runs sound like a little mad man having fun as he scares some of the smaller local animals. He soon makes it to a small hill just above the river. Smiling, he looks around and finds a smooth area that is just perfect for rolling down. He goes over, curls into a ball and launches himself down the small hill hoping to make a big splash in the water below. What he didn't expect was to accidentally bump into a small Na'vi girl just a year younger than himself. She had settled herself at the bottom of the hill and Spider had been too excited to even notice. This little girl's name is Kiri and Spider ends up slamming into her, sending them both painfully tumbling into the shallow end of the river. "Dang it Lo'ak! Why did you do... that?" She trails off seeing it was not her little brother Lo'ak who slammed into her but little Spider. They stare at each other and a weird sense of familiarity washes over them despite having never met. But the connection between them is real, one given to them by Eywa. Platonic soulmates if you would like to call them that. Kiri knows he is human but he doesn't wear a breathing mask.

She doesn't question it for as a child you have this innocence that makes even the strangest of things seem right. "I'm Kiri." she introduces herself holding out her hand for him to shake. Spider stares at her hands before grabbing it yet not shaking it as he introduces himself to her. "My name is Spider." He says his Na'vi is slightly rough as he doesn't use the other languages his mother taught him much. They smile at one another and Kiri goes to talk more before she is splashed in the face with a small wave of water. Spider ever the little trouble maker runs onto the bank and hisses at the younger but taller girl playfully. Kiri takes the challenge and runs after Spider, the two children chase each other in and out of the river splashing and trying to tackle one another. Spider gets up onto a huge rock taunting Kiri and just as she is about to climb up to get him a huge male Na'vi, Jake Sully kiri's father bursts out of the brush scaring both of them. Causing Spider to fall off the rock, Kiri rushes to help him up and Jake starts speaking worry lacing his voice.

"Kiri, baby girl you can't go running off like that, do you have any idea." He ends up cutting himself off face, going pale as he spots Spider as Kiri helps him get up, brushing the dirt off that he got from the fall. There in front of him is a little boy thought to have been lost long ago, but here he is standing in front of him wearing a loincloth made of black scales and adoring a messy mane of dirty blond hair. "Spider?" Jake calls out hesitantly, unsure of whether or not he is dreaming. The little boy's head jerks up so fast you would have thought he broke his neck. He looks to Jake confused for he has never seen this strange male till now. So how does he know his name? Kiri too looks at her dad confused. "How did you know his name daddy?" she asks him confused because while she likes Spider and he is already her best friend she could have been sure her dad would have introduced them sooner if he knew the small human boy.

Jake, too stunned for words, can't exactly find the right answer for his daughter's question, as all he can do is stare at the boy. It was then that Jake's wife and mate Neytiri finds them and she too freezes once she spots the boy. "Ma Jake, how is this possible?" she questions, for she to recognizes the boy even though the last time she saw him he was just a baby no bigger than her hand. "I don't know but we'll have to take him with us, get some tests done, make sure it's actually him." Jake says as he reaches to grab hold of Spider. As soon as his hand reached out though a giant black figure jumps in front of the adults and Kiri who refused to leave Spider's side during the confrontation was with him behind the creature. Aloka who was watching the interaction from the shadows raises her head high and turns it to the side, eyeballing the adults who dared to try and take her cub. She is poised as a viper waiting to strike.

"Night Fury." Neytiri whispers fearfully as she grips onto her husband's bicep. The angry mother turns to them and shocks them both when words like venom fall from her mouth. "Just try and take my cub, I dare you." She hisses at them, her tail swinging back and forth behind her. Jake, trying to be the reasonable one, tells Aloka that they didn't know She was spider's mother and that Spider was supposed to be with them raised by the humans among the Omatikayan people. That was a very wrong thing to say as Aloka shoots a plasma blast into the river displaying her anger. "NO! He is MINE, mine to ME. You will not take him!" She roars at them emphasizing her words. Jake and Neytiri are at a loss for words and can't seem to come up with a peaceful solution.

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