An End but also a New Start

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3rd Pov




The Children are having a wonderful time getting to know the Night furys they have met. Here are all those they have met so far. Pepper is probably the oldest female of the pack. She is very wise and reminds the kids a lot of Mo'at. Yet when her kids get too much in her Bubble she hisses and swats at them. (mainly the twins) this of course causes all the children to burst out in laughter. Smokey is probably the most mysterious Fury, well that was until Spider dragged her into the social circle. She then began telling the children stories, some she had learned as a cub, others from her ring fighting days as a slave to the humans. They forced her to fight in these metal pits against other animals they had captured for their entertainment. That was until one human with hair as red as fire managed to shut the whole thing down. She will never forget that human woman and if she were to meet her today she would bow at her feet in respect.

Kiri being the ever empathetic and sympathetic child she is, gently traces the scars on Smokey's body. She then looks up at the dragon and says "you have a strong heart. Just know that you are now not alone, please." She says with a soft smile on her face. Smokey feeling love swell in her heart pulls the small Na'vi child into a gentle embrace. Vowing to forever protect this small child. Spider, Lo'ak and Neteyam all join in on the hug, wanting Smokey to feel all the love they can give. Smokey looks appalled for a moment. She allows one child to touch her and suddenly all of them are. But slowly she melts into the touch feeling the warmth of their love as she pulls them in close. Tears well in her eyes as she nuzzles the children as Pepper, Odin and the Twins look on in the background.

The kids let go and smokey is left teary eyed. She tries to cover it up though as she puts her paws over her eyes quickly to wipe away the tears. Then a loud roar sounds throughout the caverns and all heads turn to the sky. Aloka flies through the cavern entrance followed closely by two Ikran with adult Na'vi riders. Aloka looks around, eyes narrowed as she looks for her troublesome cub. She finally spots him sitting with the sully kids and her family and she lets out a small roar before diving down to them. When she lands she looks directly at Spider who shrinks back a bit knowing he's in trouble."You're in so much trouble." Lo'ak whispers to Spider who in return jabs him in the ribs with his elbow. He's not the only one Lo'ak." Another voice rings out as the Ikran following Aloka land allowing Jake and Neytiri to dismount both of them furious with their own children. The three adults have been running rampant around the forest after they noticed the children missing. It was only when Aloka remembered what was happening today did she usher the other two to follow her to the hidden world she called home.

"You are grounded young man." Aloka growls as she stomps up to the small child who looks shocked and tries to protest.. "But.." "No buts." Aloka interrupts him, calming down her face softens and she holds his face in one paw making him look up at her. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? If something had happened to you and I couldn't find you, (sighs) I don't know what I would do. I could've lost you." She gently explains to him. Spider pulls away and looks down for a moment before rushing to hug his mother. "I'm sorry mom it's just, you guys were fighting, it was all too loud and I wanted to get away to think." Spider says as tears well in his eyes he then pulls away from her and faces the Sullys. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused and please don't be mad at them, I brought them along so it's my fault." He says. Jake and Neytiri look at each other communicating with their eyes. After a moment they seem to come to an agreement as Jake steps forward and kneels down to Spider's height. He gently places a hand on the boy's shoulder and states, "it wasn't your fault it was ours we instead of properly stopping the fight and communicating with you guys, let the fight escalate to the point of scaring you so for that we apologize to you bud." Jake finishes his little speech and ruffles Spider's hair gently.

"Does that mean we can hang out and play more?" Lo'ak excitable questions pulling on his mothers hands jumping up and down. Soon his siblings join him begging their mother and Spider''s mom to allow them to play together more. The three Parents share a look before looking down at their children. "You may play with Spider after he's ungrounded anytime you want, how about that, deal?" Jake says as he looks to Aloka to make sure that would be ok. This question earned him a surprised look from his wife. It's almost like she expected them to never want to see the boy again but she holds her tongue as she looks over to Aloka who nods in agreement to what Jake said. "Yes, after he is no longer grounded, may he be allowed to play with you three again." She says which causes all four children to let out yells and whoops of excitement. "Who wants to bet on how long Little man will be grounded for this time?" Odin asks the twins, both of whom start laying down some things like gems or food as items to bet. This earned all three of them a smack from their mother who has been watching from a ledge above them. "Idiots all of you." She grumbles and not far from her Smokey lets out a warbling laugh.

The Sully's soon left after that, leaving Aloka and her family to their own devices. "Come on time for bed." Aloka says as she grabs Spider and flies him back to their nest. Spider complaining the entire time that he wasn't tired. When they get to their nest Aloka curls around Spider allowing him to comfortably snuggle into her side. "Well aside from all the bad that happened today did you at least have a good birthday my cub?" Aloka questions laying her head on her paws. "The best mom, I made three new friends and despite what happened I wouldn't change it for anything, well except maybe being grounded." He says looking up at her causing her to huff a laugh. "You may be ungrounded tomorrow afternoon and at that time I will take you to visit your new friends." she says and Spider lets out a loud cheer quickly stopping when his mom bops him on the head with her tail. That night they fall asleep in peace but what they didn't know is that a few things were now set in motion. One a great threat builds up its resources and power waiting in the dark to strike and two the bonds and friendships they have now formed with the Sully's will forever change their lives whether it be for better or for worse.

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