Rising from the Ashes.

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Aloka Pov





Eclipse falls upon Pandora's forests. It has been a few years since we had met the Sully's and we couldn't be happier to have such good friends and allies. They had another daughter given to them by Eywa. They named her Tuk and she is the sweetest little girl. I had volunteered to watch the Sully kids for tonight as Jake and Neytiri go on something called a "date night", whatever that is. Spider had wanted to visit them anyway so it was really no problem to me. That night I sang the children songs of both their ancestors, and mine. I also told them stories about the figures in the stars. As we sat out among the stars Tuk suddenly pointed out something. "What's the story of that star Auntie?" She asks, pointing up at the sky. I look up and dread fills my heart and chills my fire. The star she is pointing at is no star at all and only means one thing. "Children go inside and start packing your stuff, all of you, NOW!" I hurry them inside and when they all start packing their stuff up I run for Mo'ats hut. "Mo'at, Mo'at! We must leave, warn the people!" I cry out as I shove my head through her door. "What is the meaning of this? What are you talking about?" She asks with a hiss not understanding why I am urging them to leave their home.

"The sky people are back and they are heading right for us!" I panic and she comes outside, looks up to the sky and takes in a sharp gasp before running through the village warning others to pack what they can and run. I ran back to the children to see them done packing and heard them towards the village. "Spider take them and go to Mo'at. I must go back to the pack and get them out of there." I say as he turns around to look me in the eyes. "But mom," "No buts i must do this. As pack alpha it is my job. Protect them please." I interrupt his rebuttal begging him to listen before giving him a lick on the head and turning, jumping off the branches and diving down to the ground below. Just before I reach the top of the trees below I spread my wings. Flying above the trees I let out a loud roar that shakes the leaves and sounds like thunder rumbling across the sky. "Some day my son, when you are leader of your own pack you will understand the responsibility it takes to protect those under your rule. For now though I shall protect you from those burdens and I will also try to protect you from the dangers that are about to come even if I die doing so."

3rd POV

Spider watches as his mother flies away towards their home to warn the others he contemplates following her but before he can decide Kiri grabs his arm and turns him towards her. "We have to go Spider please." She begs him the tanhi on her face highlighting her worry as the dreaded "star" above them gets bigger and brighter as it fastly approaches.. He nods and pushes a loose strand of hair behind his ear and goes to grab the last of his things. "I really wish we had time to rebraid your hair." Kiri says agitated as Spider's lose freshly cleaned golden curls bounce as they move. Spider nods in agreement, his hair is always a pain to keep out of his face especially when not braided or done up. Together they both run down to the base of Hometree where Mo'at and the other children eagerly greet them when they get there. There was no time for chatter though as Mo'at ushered them to get with the others. When she gets them with the rest of the people she moves farther into the crowd wanting to help all the sick, injured and pregnant.

They continue moving for a good hour before screams can be heard as they all look up, the sky people have arrived. Their ships came down spreading fire and death as they landed. The fire spread quickly and everyone began to run and that's when things started to go very wrong. The children end up getting separated from the rest of the clan when a huge burning tree falls onto their path. Spider being the eldest of the group urgently herds his friends to another path hoping to get them to the floating bridges before the fire spreads there as well. "Go, Run! Get to the bridge, quickly!" He yells running behind them as the path gets narrower, making sure to keep an eye on little Tuk as with her being the youngest it would be easy for her to get hurt or fall behind. It was when they were just about to make it to the bridge does little Tuk trip over a root scraping up her hands and knees as she falls to the ground. Spider skids to a stop making sure she is ok as he urges the others to continue on ahead. They refuse though and while very antsy and jittery stay to make sure both Tuk and Spider were still with them. Suddenly the crack and snap of a giant tree alerts them and when they look up a giant tree is about to land right on top of Spider and Tuk. Thinking fast, Spider picks Tuk up and tosses her over to the others before diving out of the way right as the tree lands separating him from the others.

Spider could hear his friends calling out his name as he gets up. "I have to go around, just go on without me i'll meet you guys there!" Spider yells as he watches them through the flames. "We aren't leaving you monkey boy, you're our brother!" He hears Kiri yell back her voice cracking with sadness and worry. Spider hesitates a moment longer than he would like to admit before he locks eyes with Neteyam through the burning leaves and branches. Neteyam, You're in charge while i'm gone. Get them to safety, I'll meet you guys on the other side of the bridge soon!" Spider shouts back urging them to leave before things got too bad. He watches as the conflict wages war inside Neteyam before the oldest sully drags his sibling kicking and fighting to the bridge. Spider looked around in a panic, he needed to find a new path out and fast. He soon spotted a path that wasn't covered completely in flames and started running through it as fast as he could. He hoped to Eywa that this path would lead him to another bridge so he could get back to the others. Spider runs through the burning brush and undergrowth ignoring as the flames lick at his skin. Smoke invades his senses making it hard for him to breath and see. Through squinted eyes he sees an opening in some flames and pushes his body forwards wanting to make it there before it closes. Just when he is about to make it through he trips and smacks his head on a rock causing him to black out for a moment. When he comes to the world around him is a muffled blurr, and everything seems to be moving in slow motion.

Animals run for their lives around him, some crying out in pain as they desperately try to run from the flames that engulf their bodies. Most of it appears to be in vain and as much as Spider wants to help those poor souls dying around him he can't find the strength in him to move. Everytime he so much as moves his head a searing pain erupts through him as if he is being kicked full force by a pa'li. All he can do is lay there and watch the forest die around him and if he doesn't move soon he too will join the fallen. That's when he hears it. A voice cries out to him from the raging flames, but it's hard to make out anything said. "Get up lad, get up!" A figure comes into view and if Spider's vision hadn't of cleared up he would have thought they were made of flames. Scales red as the fires that surround them come into view and he looks into the eyes of a fury that looked as if Eywa painted them with the color of emeralds from his cavern home. "Come on son, this is no place to die, you must get up!" The fury says as he is then rolled onto his side. He can't though and he whimpers whenever the Fury above him tries to help him up. "I know it hurts lad I know, just keep your eyes open ok you must stay strong." But Spider can't keep his eyes open. All he wants to do is sleep. Yes sleep sounds nice, is the thought that runs through Spider's head as his eyes droop closed. "No don't close your eyes lad get up, get up!" The yelling fades into whispers as Spider's world fades to black.

Stoick couldn't believe what was happening. One moment he was pushing his son out of the way of a blast, the next he wakes up in the body of a Night Fury of all creatures and what's worse is that everything around him is on fire! But he can't dwell on that now he must get himself and this wounded boy he found to safety. Panic swells in his chest as the child loses consciousness due to the injury he sustained. Stoick hardens his face as he moves to step over the boy using his own body as a shield against embers and falling branches. Using his new paws he picks up Spider in one and rises to his hind legs as the other to support Spider's bleeding head. Branches covered in flames crash to the ground around him and he looks around trying to find some way out of the inferno that surrounds them. He only finds one though, looking up at the sky for a moment he makes up his mind. He decides now is a good a time as ever to learn how to use his new wings. Flapping his wings as hard as he can, sparks of fire and small branches are blown away as Stoick manages to take off from the ground. He urges himself higher and faster wanting to get into the sky quicker. Above the trees he watches the chaos continue below. Shaking his head he tries to focus on flying to safety.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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