Confusion, hurt and finally excitement.

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3rd pov

Most this chapter is gonna be written in "English" and "Na'vi"

Norm rushes at Spider wanting to hold the boy to make sure that he's not dreaming when he is suddenly knocked off his feet and pinned down by a paw the same size as his chest. A big black snout is in his face as forest green eyes glare at him and a deep growl vibrates the air around him. Aloka glares deep into his soul as she stares him down. "You will not touch my son, lanky one." she hisses in English, her draconic accent thick. Jake and Neytiri have to drag her off of Norm because it looks like he was about to become her next meal. "Whoa whoa, now let's all calm down a little ok, yeah?" Jake says as he and Neytiri hold Aloka away from Norm. Norm and Aloka stare at each other for a long stressful minute before Norm pipes up. "I know those eyes. Those are the eyes of the same animal that took spider from us when he was a baby." Norm says as a flashback of the night Aloka took Spider flashes through his eyes.

"Mom what's he talking about?" I thought you said you found me abandoned? Spiders voice rings out from where he sits on Mo'at's lap, her and Kiri almost done with his hair. "You were abandoned, I found you crying dirty and abandoned in their care. Both me and Eywa knew you would be neglected if you stayed so that is why I took you. Eywa meant for you to be with me!" Aloka explains frantically her eyes filling with tears as her voice cracks. Spiders face is filled with confusion as he listens in multiple thoughts running through his head. "Really Eywa wanted you to break in and kidnap someone else's kid?" Norm asks sarcastically, folding his arms over his chest. He feels a bit more confident than he should in his human body against an animal that is almost 50 times stronger than he is and almost a full foot taller than him on all fours. "It is not kidnapping if the great mother shows you signs that the child is meant to be yours, beside i think you humans call that a "suprise" adoption." Aloka sasses Norm getting all up in his face.

Norm and Aloka continue this back and forth banter of theirs for a while. During this time Jake and Neytiri try to calm them down (mostly calm down Aloka) before someone gets hurt. Mo'at finished Spiders hair before leaving to get some medical paste knowing that someone's gonna need them later. Finally Poor Spider, his mind confused, and heart hurt flees the scene without any of the adults noticing. Was his mother lying and did she really kidnap him from these people that apparently know him or are they the liars and was he really neglected in their care? It is all so confusing for a little boy. He makes his treck to a special spot he goes to when he is confused and scared, to some of the only people who can comfort him at this time. "Spider wait, stop!" Kiri's voice calls out from behind him. Turning around he sees that Kiri, Neteyam and Lo'ak had followed him. "You're tiny, how are you so fast?" Lo'ak asks, dramatically falling to the ground panting heavily. "Get up skxawng." Neteyam says nudging his little brother with his foot.

Lo'ak get up and brushes himself off before putting his hands on spiders shoulders. "What's wrong cuz?" He asks concern lacing his voice. "Yeah Spider you just took off, you didn't even tell your mom." Neteyam voices as he kneels down to sit in front of Spider pulling the smaller boy with him his sibling following their older brother's lead sit down as well. "I'm just so overwhelmed by everything, and I don't know who to believe anymore." Spider says as he too sits and brings his knees up to his head. The four children sit in a bit of an awkward silence before Kiri speaks up. "What do Furies like to do?" She asks wanting to take her new friends mind off the bad and replace it with joy. "We sing." Spider says with a small smile forming on his face. "What songs do you sing?" Neteyam asks Spider, curious about the songs the older boy grew up with. Spider immediately perked up at that before getting up and ushering the other children to follow him. "Come on if we hurry fast enough we can make it there in time!" Spider exclaims as he rushes through the forest.

"In time for what?" The three Navi kids shout out in unison as they struggle to keep up with the smaller boy. Despite Spider's smaller stature he moved incredibly fast and was extremely agile. "Carnival! It's a celebration my pack does once a year!" Spider says as he swings from one vine to another. The Sully kids follow after Spider the young human boy leading them through an unfamiliar part of the forest. Finally Spider stops in a small clearing in one of the denser parts of the forest. "We're almost there. We just need to go through the entrance." Spider says as he starts to walk around the small little clearing a little. "Bro i'm starting to think this is a prank of some kind because there is nothing here." Lo'ak sassed and right as he finished speaking Spider jumps up and pulls down a vine causing the floor beneath the three young Na'vi to open up allowing them to fall into it screaming. Spider lets go of the vine and falls down after them laughing all the way. They slip and slide down a long slide like tunnel till they reach the end. Lo'ak falls out of the tunnel first. "I'm alive? I'm alive!" He shouts laughing before being dog piled by his sister and brother who fall out moments after him. Spider laughs as he flips over them landing safely on his feet.

"Well you slow pokes coming or not?" He teasingly asks his friends as they pick themselves up off the ground. He then takes off farther into the cave system jumping over rocks and roots every now and then turning around to make sure his friends are still right behind him. Kiri, Neteyam, and Lo'ak all do their best to keep up with their small human friend before stoping to take a breath near the end of another tunnel. "Spider, where are you taking up?" Kiri asks him as she sits down panting slightly. Neteyam pipes up as well. "Yeah bro it feels like you're leading us on a wild Nantang chase." The eldest sully says as he pulls his little brother with him to sit down. "Home." Is all Spider says as he pulls back a curtain of leaves and vines revealing a whole nother world to the three children. All different kinds of furies fly through the air, while others roost with their eggs in nests upon floating rocks and mountains alike. "Its like a underground forest." Kiri gasps in awe while her brothers lean over the edge watching the dragons fly and play through the air. "Hey guys, look up." Spider says and when they do they see that six furies watch them from another cavern above them.

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