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Once Upon A Time...

About 50 years ago:

„IT HURTS!!!", Regina screams.

A thunderstorm is raging outside the castle. Nothing new, but it should've been one of the hottest and sunniest days in the year. So it's definetely not a normal day.
The queen is since the darkest hours of the night giving birth to the king's child. It's not an easy birth. Healers from all over the country came as fast as they heard. It's their first kid beside Snowwhite, who's from the earlier marriage of the king.

„I know my Queen, but you have to take all your strength together now! You're almost there!", a healer yells.

„Daughter. Women all over the country have done this. Now, give me my first grandchild!", Cora whispers in Regina's ear.

The Queen nods and pushes with her last strength.
„It's a girl!"
„I-I'm not feeling good", Regina says and holds her head. Then everything goes black.
She sleeps for hours, while the maids wash the bloody sheets.
Everything seems to be back to normal. Well, except the new family member.

The sunlight is waking Regina. She slowly sits up and groans in pain. Why do I feel like a horse ran me over? It's almost dark outside. The sun almost completely disappeared. A baby is crying. My baby...! Like a lightning the memories of the last night come back. I was in labour!
Regina goes over to the crib and there she is. Her daughter. Careful she takes her out of her crib and holds her close to her chest. „Shhh. Mama is here little girl."
Big wet black eyes look back at Regina.

„You're for sure hungry pretty one."

Little hands hold Regina's left breast as she breast-feeds her daughter. The Queen's whole world around her stops as she looks at her beautiful daughter. She doesn't even notice the King coming into her room.
In this moment Regina makes herself a promise: She would do anything for her daughter. And for once in a while she's happy again.

„She looks as beautiful as you my wife and she still needs a name."
Regina looks her husband in the eyes. The man she doesn't love and then she answers: „Gina... Her name will be Gina..."
The King smiles. „I love you..."

Now in Storybrooke:

It couldn't be an ordinarier day in this city than today. Snow, Charming, Emma, Henry and Regina are sitting in the apartment of the Charmings and there're no uninvited guests in town with bad intentions.
Regina is sitting next to Emma on the couch and is resting in the arm of the savior. The Mayor's hand is resting on her girlfriend's leg. They've been a couple for quite a while now and it's getting serious.
Henry's on a trip with his new secret girlfriend. Regina is not happy with not knowing this girl, but Emma keeps her girlfriend back from spying on their son.

„So now that Henry is away, we have the house for us...", whispers Emma. Regina smiles and they stand up.
„We would get going now, too. There's some unfinished work at home.", Regina says and takes  Emma's jacket and her own coat.
Snow and Charming are also into each other so they just nod and go upstairs.

Regina opens the door to her big mansion and pulls Emma in a deep kiss. They close the door behind themselves and rip their clothes off.
„In the bedroom now", Regina says out of breath.
Emma opens the Queen's skirt zipper on the way upstairs and holds her against the wall on the stairs.
„I can't wait! We haven't had sex in months. Let's do it right here on the stairwell, Baby", Emma answers needy. Her hands slide under Regina's skirt and take it off. The Queen bites her lip. „You make me so horny Ms Swan, but I give the orders here", she says and frees herself from the savior.
Emma smiles. „Now, follow me in the bedroom if you wanna have this", Regina adds with pointing on her own body and running upstairs.
Emma runs after her and both fall on Regina's bed. The savior is on top and they make out, while losing the rest of their clothes.

Suddenly there's some noise downstairs! Emma and Regina look at each other panicking. Is someone in their house?
Regina sits up, so Emma sits on her laps now.
„You wait here. Whoever just interrupted us will regret it for life", Regina whispers.
„I love, when you do that", Emma answers.
With a fireball in her hand and a robe on the Mayor walks out of the bedroom. „Show yourself!", she orders the intruder. On command someone tries to run away through the garden. Regina moves her hand and stands one second later right infront of the stranger. „Got you!"
The young woman stumbles back and her black eyes look at Regina. The mayor feels like she's watching in a mirror and is letting her fireball disappear. Her face gets pale. „Gina...?"

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