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How she sounded... Nothing like I remember her. She still looks the same though, but something was...different. And who the fuck was the beautiful blonde woman beside her? Something about her seemed so familiar, but I can't say what... It doesn't matter anyways and to come here was hard enough. I can't let some insecureties stop me from getting what I want in the first place.
A mouse runs through the room and I grab her. „Time to shine", I say as I throw her in my brewing potion. Luckily there're some old recipes from the Evil Queen down here and as much as I hate her, I can't help myself but thanking her in this moment. For this hidden place right in Storybrooke and all the powerful things in it.
Carefully I take a sip of the potion and in the next moment I'm in the body of the mouse. „Let the games begin..."

Storybrooke is a really nice place. Everyone is so busy with themselves, that they don't even mind the little mouse running through their legs past them. It's the perfect opportunity to catch up on the lives of old friends and possible enemys. After a 10 minute walk, which felt like a 10 mile hike, the right house finally comes up. I've read every ring sign in this city and there it is... The right name on the sign infront of me: Charmings
Luckily there're two strangers leaving right now, so I run through the door. In the building live many different people and after many doors, there's finally one with the name sign Charming next to it. Now I could just wait until someone opens the door... No, I don't have that kind of time. One quick look around me to make sure no one's watching right now and I turn myself in my human form again. God, how I missed my own body! I knock and when no one answers I teleport myself in the apartment. It's cozy. A place where the Charmings definetely live. My mo-... Regina's house was completely different in every aspect. Guess even though she seems changed her style is still something other than the Charming's. A picture on the counter catches my eye. Slowly I grab it and just look at it. It shows Snow, Prince Charming, a young teenager and... Regina and the blonde woman? Who is she? She comes from this reality, that's for sure.
I put the picture back to its place and go on with my search for answers about who the blonde woman is.
Suddenly the door opens and a woman I know for sure stands infront of me. Snow...

A short chapter, because I have to study for my spanish exam.😒

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