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As I open the door to our apartment a way too familiar woman stands infront of me. The bag of groceries I just bought slips out of my hand. All the memories hit me. About our childhood, about the Evil Queen and our father, about the last day we were happy...
„Gina?... I-I thought you died..." My eyes water up and I pull her in a hug. „I missed you so much little sister...", I whisper in her ear. She lays her arms around me too and we stay like this for several minutes. As I wanna end the hug Gina holds me closer. „Gina? Let's talk..."
„Just another minute. I'm scared that if I let you go now, I'll lose you again...", she answers.
It might sound strange, but deep down in my heart I knew my sister couldn't be dead... Or maybe I just didn't wanna have it for real, that she's dead.
„You won't lose me ever again Gina... I promise..."

I tell her, who Emma is and what Storybrooke has to do with her, the whole savior thing. Gina's eyes widen as she realizes. „So, Emma is my niece and in a relationship with my Mom and they met through my great nephew? Who's been adopted by my mother...!? That's fucked up."
„Yeah it is..."
„And my mo- the evil queen is a good person now? You wanna tell me that she's changed?", she asks with doubts.
I take Gina's hands in mine. „I know it's hard to believe and she's done so many terrible things, but she even made me a friend of hers. You should talk to her and give her a chance to make up for these horrible things she's done."
„Snow, I don't think you understand, but I'm not here to make new friends. I'm here for my revenge...", she says and turns around, making her way out of my apartment.
„Gina... She's still your mother. Losing you is probably one of her biggest regrets..."
She holds on for a minute and looks back at me. In her eyes I can see pain. „She didn't lose me. She was the one, who almost killed me..."
Gina leaves me alone with my thoughts about her words. Who almost killed me...? Without any hesitation I take my coat and go to the Mayor's Office. About that time she always has her meeting with the Sheriff of Storybrooke.

As I'm going to knock on the door, it opens and Emma's standing infront of me with many files under her arm. For a second she flinches, but laughs it off so I wouldn't think she's hiding something.
„Mum! What are you doing here?", she asks suprised.
„I want to talk to Regina. Isn't she in her office?"
Emma sighs. „No, she isn't. She's not feeling well since yesterday. I'm on my way to bring her some files."
„Is she sick?"
„No, no-... It's more emotionally"
And I know why... „Was Gina visiting you, too?", I ask with a serious tone.
Emma looks down and nods. „Y-Yeah... She was. I've never seen Regina this vulnerable..."
„Emma, this is very serious. I have to talk with her."
After a minute of hesitation Emma nods. „But let me talk to her first before you do, Mum..."
„Of course. I promise."

Emma opens the door and we go into the Mansion, which is not as tidy as I know it...
„Baby, I'm home", Emma calls for Regina, who runs down the stairs and asks: „Did you bring me the files?"
She stops as she sees me and closes her robe turning red.
„Snow? Why are you here?"
Emma steps in. „It's about Gina, Baby... She was at Snow's"
The fire, that's normally in Regina's eyes disappears and her body tenses up. „Sh-Sh-She was at yours?", she stutters.
„She's my sister Regina. Of course she visited me. I told her what happened. About Emma and you. How you changed. How we are okay, now and how you're part of our family."
Regina looks down. „Thank you Snow... That means a lot to me."
Emma takes Regina's hand. „You okay, Baby?"
She nods and looks up again. Her eyes are filled with tears and she tries to hold it together. „Let me guess. My daughter isn't interested in me?"
I've never seen Regina like this... The mayor looks me directly in the eyes. „Yes, but-"
„Don't...". Regina interrupts me and turns her back on me. Emma pulls her girlfriend in a hug and the always strong woman cries. I've never ever seen her cry... It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen. Before I can stop myself I lay my hand on her back and look in her face. „Regina, I'm worried about her. She does care about you. Probably more than all of us. Otherwise she-" I stop and catch Regina's attention. She pulls herself out of the hug and comes to me. „What did she do, Snow?"
„She said, that she's here for revenge and not to make friends. Then she said, that you were the one who almost killed her..."
Regina's eyes are flashing and she tries to process it. „She said, that I-?"
I nod. „Well, did the Evil Queen?", I ask carefully.
Regina sits on the couch and massages her forehead trying to remember. „I-I don't remember."
Emma and I sit down next to her.
„I do remember leaving her with you, Snow, in the castle. But kill her? I don't think I did that... Leaving her is bad enough."
„But when you didn't do it...", I think loud.
„Why does she think you did it?", Emma completes my sentence.
Regina looks up. „I have on idea, but I know one thing. I have to find her."
I take Reginas hand. „And I will help you."
„Thanks, Snow."
„Me, too", Emma says.

*Few days later*

Regina POV:
„It is official. She's a ghost", Emma jokes and sits down on the desk in the Sheriff's office. Snow looks at the map of Storybrooke with possible places Gina could be at. We just searched every inch of this city for the second time. Still we have absolutely no clue where she is staying. And slowly I begin to loose hope of finding Gina.
„She's not. She's just somebody who'll only let others find her, if she wants them to", I answer and sit down next to Emma. My head resting on the savior's shoulder.
„Mum, are you okay?", Emma asks worried. Snow doesn't respond and looks still at the map on the desk.
Emma goes to her mother and asks again: „Mum are you okay?"
Still no respond.
„Mum, would you stop looking at the map-"
Snow turns around mad looking. „No, I won't! Because every minute we're standing here-", she stops talking and tears roll down her cheeks. Emma tries to calm her down, but Snow pushes her away. I jump up and make sure Emma's okay.
„Snow, don't push Emma away. It's not her fault, that your sister is on the wrong path... It's mine!"
Snow makes eye contact with me and I slowly walk to her. „I never should have left you two alone in the first place."
I pull Snow in a hug and she's letting me do it. Crying in my shoulder she answers: „I'm so sorry Emma..."
Emma joins the hug and smiles. „Don't be. I understand why you reacted this way..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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