Chapter 14

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"So back to making a plan that will conceal you from him. I know a spell but you will have to carry it out. Did you bring any supplies with you?" Divinity asked me.

"I have a few things in case spell work was needed. What do I need?"

Divinity began, "You need the proper colored candles for the cardinal points, a white candle to light them with, and sage for cleansing."

"I believe I have all of those things. Where should I set up my circle?"

Divinity looked to her sister before addressing me once more. "Here is good. I would rather we did not get any closer to the edge of the mist without some precautions in place."

"Agreed," Freyja said as she nodded.

I began first by imagining there was a small circle drawn on the ground. Then I started placing the candles at the cardinal points. Yellow was placed in the east, then red in the south, blue was set on the ground in the west, and last I placed the green candle at the northernmost point of my circle.

With the colored candles where they belonged, I pulled the white candle from my shoulder bag. Holding it in my left hand I waved my right hand over the wick and said "facere ignis." A few sparks ignited around the wick and then fire erupted. The wick was now engulfed in a beautiful blue flame.

I turned towards the sisters who had been watching me quietly in the background. "Why is the flame blue?" I asked.

"Because you are not on the earthly plane. Here in the otherworld things work a little differently." Freyja answered in a calmer voice than in our earlier conversation when I thought she was accusing me of helping my mother and whoever the other witch is causing chaos all around us.

Now that my candle was lit, blue flame or red it made no difference. I needed to cleanse myself, my circle, and everything within it.

I removed the final ingredient, the sage, from my bag. I touched the blue flame of the white candle to my sage bundle and it lit immediately. The smell of sage filled the air around me. The low burning sounds the sage made as it was eaten by the flames soothed me.

For a moment it smelled and sounded like home. Then I looked away from the sage and began to cleanse myself and my space. Fully aware I was far from Willow Island and the covens who practiced there.

Once the cleansing was done I set the sage bundle down on the ground in the middle of my circle where an altar would have been.

I turned to the sisters and asked, "Do I call to the elements so that they are present within my circle?"

Divinity replied, "It would certainly be a wise choice. Although they cannot provide you with the same power they can on Willow Island their presence in your circle will be advantageous."

I decided if the elements could help me in any way they needed to be present in my circle. I began by addressing air as I lit the yellow candle, followed by fire. Then I called upon water and finished my invites with earth. All gave me a sign they were present in my circle.

I walked to the center of my circle and placed the white candle on the ground next to the sage so it could continue to burn with the sage.

It was time to cast my spell. The sisters had briefly explained the spell but said that I needed to make it my own so that is what I did. "I call to the elements air, fire, water, and earth lend me your strength now so that I may complete this casting. I ask that you help to conceal me from the one who is spreading chaos upon the otherworld. I promise not to harm this realm. I just want to recover my mother, return the afterlife to normal, and save my home in the mortal plane. I am only here for a brief time. I am aware this world is not for the living and I have no intention of staying."

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