Chapter 11

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"I hope I can do this Rachel. Now that the time has finally come I am full of doubts. I am so new to this whole world of witches and witchcraft. What if I mess up? What if my involvement tonight makes it impossible to retrieve my mother from the other world?"

"You will do fine Luna. Everyone has been helping you learn what you need to know in order to be successful tonight. The way I understand it. You are your mother's best hope of returning."

"Thank you, Rachel. I really needed to hear that right now. I have to succeed. Failing could mean everything to my mother, myself, this island, and every witch who practices witchcraft here. No pressure, right?" I say with a low giggle.

"Like I said already. You know what you need to do and you know what should happen when you do it. Luna, you will come home with your mother. You'll see. Just have a little faith in yourself and do as you have been instructed." Rachel said as she pulled me into a best friend's hug of reassurance."

"We should leave for the cliff soon. I would like to take the long way so I can clear my head before arriving. Something tells me it is going to be a long night."

"Sounds good to me Luna. I love a good stroll in the moonlight. The sky is so clear tonight it will be beautiful."

Rachel and I headed out the door for a relaxing walk before my big debut as a witch or my biggest face-palm moment of my life.

We walked along in silence. Just enjoying the cool breeze against our skin and the illuminated pathway before us. As I looked around I noticed the willow trees were slightly swaying from the breeze. It reminded me of partner's slow dancing. Each willow swayed in unison with the one next to it. A beautiful dance of the trees. A calming sight indeed.

The sky was clear so the moon shone bright in all its glory. Taking center stage in the night sky. Leading me to my destiny in a way. Was I destined my whole life to be a witch? A question for another time and place I suppose.

"We are here Luna," Rachel said as we approached the back of the cliff.

"And we are not the first to arrive. The steps up the cliffside are already visible so after you," I said as I directed Rachel's attention by pointing my hand towards the first step in the staircase of rock.

"Don't mind if I do," She replied as she began to ascend the stone stairs on the cliffside.

Once we both made our way to the top we walked over to the circle on the ground that was visible once more and glowing a bright red at the moment. John was standing next to the circle and greeted us as we approached. "Good evening ladies."

"I guess that remains to be seen," I replied.

"You will do fine, Luna," John replied as Rachel stepped closer and put her arm around me. Giving me a side hug of sorts.

"That is what I keep telling her John, but she still has her doubts."

"It is normal. This is her spell debut. Instead of being some kind of test or challenge for a new witch, it is being a major player in a plan to return her mother to the living. So, she walks in our plane of existence once more. There is a great deal of pressure on her. When the spell begins it will come naturally to her. I am sure of it."

"I hope you are both right. My mother's life depends on it, as well as the future of this island she has risked her life to save."

John turns slightly away from us to greet a witch who has approached carrying several different colored candles, "Good evening, Serenity."

"Good evening, John," Serenity replied.

John pointed his hand in my direction, "Serenity, this is Luna, Helene's daughter." John then directed Serenity's attention toward Rachel, "And this is Jennifer's daughter, Rachel."

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