Chapter 10

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I woke to the sounds of Rachel in the kitchen. Of course, Rachel was already up and moving. It puzzled me how she could do that day after day. Rise before the sun.

As I walked into the kitchen, barely awake, and over to the coffee station, "Good morning sunshine," Rachel greeted me with a joyous smile.

"Sunshine is right. It came gleaming right through my window and landed upon my sleeping face. I awoke with the sun you might say."

Rachel replied, "At least you're smiling this morning."

"I actually feel a bit more rested today. Besides I am excited to talk to my mother. I sure hope today is the day. To grieve for her and then find out she is not dead is a dream come true."

"I bet it is. I can only imagine what you have been through. I watched you suffer over the last few months but could not feel your pain. Nor could I take your pain away. I felt rather helpless, to be honest."

"You were far from powerless or weak. You helped me through every twist and turn. Just as you stand here next to me as we begin a new part of this adventure. You are my best friend, my crutch, and my confidant. I would never have gotten through all of this without you."

"You are so sweet, Luna. Know that I would do it all over if you needed me to. Just as I am well aware you would do for me."

"I absolutely would."

"Are you just having coffee this morning?" Rachel asked. Breaking the mood entirely.

"I think so. I am not hungry this early." I raise my hands and direct them towards the window in the seating area. "Thank you sun."

With my liquid gold downed and Rachel finished with breakfast we made our plans for the day.

"The captain said the other coven members would be arriving today. I suppose your mother will be among them."

"Absolutely. She is the highest-ranking crystal witch after all."

"So, our mothers are the most powerful witches of their respective covens."

"Seems that way," Rachel replies.

I hear someone knocking on the front door. "Rachel, can you get the door well I get dressed?"

"On it," she says as she heads toward the front door and I head toward my room in the back of the cabin.

"Good morning Captain. Please come in and have a seat. Luna just went to her room for a minute. Can I get you some coffee?" I hear Rachel saying from the front of the cabin.

"No, thank you. It's Rachel right?"


"I just came by to let you girls know that the coven members have begun to arrive. Each of the high priests or priestesses of each coven will be present at a meeting that has been arranged for noon today. I would like you girls to be at the meeting. We are holding it at the first cabin you discovered when you arrived on the island. The really large cabin with all of the seating."

"We will be there."

"Do you have any questions for me at this time?" He asks.

"Are all coven members coming to the island?"

"Probably not everyone. All I know for sure is all of the coven's high priests and high priestesses will be on the island. I should get going. I have a lot to get done before noon."

"See you at noon captain."

"You can call me John, Rachel."

"Okay, John. We will not be late."

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