Gloxinia x Dai shi male reader

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Just wanted to update this and apologize for not giving an explanation as to what is happening this is kinda a modern timeline type of thing to keep the story of jungle fury intact a bit but Dai Shi in this isn't pure evil but he only fought for his people again sorry for not explaining this idea.


Let's start from the beginning, you were a young master and sentinel of the Pai Zhua academy, you only being 18 years old, you were tasked by the head master, your master, master Mao to watch over the students, the finalist of master mao's mission to keep the evil spirit, Dai Shi in his prison.

Master Mao: You are the six finalist, I am looking for three.

Soon the six finalists readied themselves for combat. You had your favorite students there too Lily and Theo they always gave you a good morning and they always greeted you, the style they chose you believed they fitted them the best

Y/n: BEGIN!!

The finalist began they all fought with every bit of strength they can muster but sadly to you only three, but at the same time the two who won as well were Lily and Theo.

Y/n: congratulations you three

You congratulated the three winners your favorites were the especially happy to hear you congratulated them jarrod walked off getting a towel from a boy

Jarrod: Hey where's my towel! Cub!

You and master moa looked to Jarrod, honestly as much as you didn't want to admit it you didn't like Jarrod all that much he was to arrogant and rude for your liking. He's challenged you on multiple occasions but you didn't give him the time of day, you were about to stop him but master Mao halted you. He flipped the poor towel boy's basket but another towel boy stepped up, Casey.

Casey: here's you towel!!

Jarrod turned and took the towel.

Casey: look I don't want any problems.

Jarrod: too bad. He pushed Casey and he fell on one of the wooden benches finally you made your way over to the boys but Casey let out a roar that knocked you and Jarrod off your feet

Y/n: wow!

Jarrod was about to attack but you stepped forward and blocked him, he gave you an angry look.

Y/n: Jarrod enough!!

You looked at him in complete distain, he stopped and walked away then you helped Casey and the towel boy pick up the towels.

Casey: thank you, I don't know what i would have done if you didn't step in.

Y/n: don't mention it, it's my job as a master and a sentinel.


Master Mao brought Casey, Lily, and Theo below, you stayed and watched over the younger students but soon people and medieval style amor showed up and you had a bad feeling about them and confronted them

Y/n: state your business here! This is a school for students of the Pai Zhua!!

???: we came to take out any threat to our kingdom!!! As holy knight candidates we must protect it!!

Y/n: what are you talking about we don't care about any kingdom!! We are a peaceful school only keeping Dai Shi from destroying humanity leave or I'll have to remove you by force!!

At that they attacked but they didn't account for the level of skill you had nor the spirit of the mighty lion.

Rookie knight: dammit he's too strong!!!

SDS x MALE READER ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now