Tristan liones x one piece male reader

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Just wanna say both characters are 18 in this story cause towards the end there is lime!!!!

Also this story is mostly the basis of a one piece story I made for the self portrait and the portraits of my family and friends as One Piece characters so yea hope y'all enjoy.

Also your devil fruit is the uo uo no mi model seiryu.

Now for a small summary you are the one piece version of me or Velvet Rosé and are the reincarnation of Odin, the allfather, the first warrior of balance.

Days after the fight with King Arthur and your new power's awakening you have been seeing visions, visions of....yourself? But they weren't you at the same time.

Y/n: what the hell is going on....??

You stood infront of a giant wolf but you knew what this wolf was, Fenrir, it was like you were in a memory. You saw yourself stand infront of Fenrir thunder, lightning, red gleams of light shined over the field the two were standing on.

Y/n: why am I seeing myself standing before Fenrir?? What is this??

A clap of thunder sounded and a flash of lightning came. Fenrir became Arthur, and you were the same but with your normal clothes, Tyr stood beside the vision of you another flash can and Tyr became Shanks for the duration of the flash.

Y/n: Shanks!?!?

Tyr: where this leash and you will be able to roam in Asgard!

Fenrir: I smell something....SOUR!!!


The vision soon transitioned to Asgard's lifetree where six people sat including you Tyr and others.

????: Havi what shall we do!?!?

They called the vision you Havi

Havi: we drink the mead from Jotunheim and mixed with the waters of Mimir's well. it will grant us the privilege to fight on even after death!!!!

Bowls were present where the mead is poured

Havi: let it flow

They drink the mead they all felt some sort of affect from it

Havi: from the life tree we go, the life tree we shall one day return!!

The effects of the mead subsides and Havi speaks again

Havi: none shall follow! LOKI LEAST OF ALL!!!!

He throws down the bowl and stands

Havi: it is done! Now to face our end

The vision transition to Havi and Fenrir once more and they fought. Havi sword and spear in hand and Fenrir tooth and claw soon the vision fades to black with an older Havi standing before you

Y/n: who are you!?

Havi only swatted his hand you land on spikes agonizing pain shot through you


Havi: we will meet soon child then you will understand everything.

Y/n: WAIT!!!


More pain shot through you and you screamed and felt someone shaking the hell outta you


Y/n: AHHH!!!

You rose up sweating and out of breath you turn and see Tristan looking at directly at you worried.

SDS x MALE READER ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now