A New Timeline

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(Disclaimer: GIFS/VIDEOS/MUSIC/ART Used In this chapter are not mine and belongs to their respective owner)

(VentiValiana/Author): Well Hello once again with the alternative timelines story, Tried a new writing style and honestly it looks pretty weird when the words aren't bold but I thought this maybe a good way to branch onto something else.

Not gonna delay it any further, hope you guys have a good read and also dw, This story will mostly become the sequel or at least a part of the story that Is connected to the OG Timeline as I said before.

If you have any comments or questions your free to ask after reading this chapter or anytime actually, Also there's is one thing that I forgot to mention is that I'm gonna be adding different characters just like what I did to Lloyd.


(Location: The DXD Multiverse)

Zelretch was then Into the Multiverse of the DXD Universe, The sight of Multiple portals that led to Alternative Universes were present everywhere and Zelretch can only whistle In amazement.

Zelretch: Wow! I didn't know that their Multiverse is this colorful, Ours is so bland and the color red and black are always everywhere due to the multiple Chaos that's happening into every other Alternative timelines, Hell even the Lostbelt worlds don't even stand when it comes to beauty if you compare it here.

Zelretch then took a closer Inspection of the Universes of DXD.

Zelretch: Hmmm.. Interesting, as expected from the multiverse, These Universes house different timelines and possible outcomes from the events of the past and Issei Hyoudou Is always Involved here no matter the case, Is it because he Is the destined Sekiryuutei?

He thought to Himself, While he was pondering to himself and still picking which Universe of Issei Hyoudou he would pick, A mysterious voice then appeared.

???: Oh? It seems you finally made It here, Kischur Zelretch.

Zelretch Instinctively looked back out of surprise to Identify the voice. He was a Young child with Blue Hair and Iris wearing a cap with a white shirt and a black jacket with sandals. He was floating around the area as If an Invisible force was giving him the power to float, He was above staring down on him as if staring down a lab rat. 

???: You

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???: You....

He said before looking around the area to Identify which Universe they were in.

???: DXD huh? Well It isn't much of a surprise after all.

The boy said while gesturing a shrug.

Zelretch: And who might you be? For a child of your age you seem to already Transcend the laws of logic Itself.

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