Growing up

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(Disclaimer: GIFS/VIDEOS/MUSIC/ART Used In this chapter are not mine and belongs to their respective owner)

(VentiValiana/Author): And here's the 3rd one that Is made, Wow... I did not expect myself to go all out In this chapter, I actually had so much In plan for this chapter but Il save it for next chapter.

Il stop rambling and let you guys read In peace and honestly take my well deserved break and probably start writing again tomorrow or the next day after that before I lose my compassion when making these stories.


(Location: The Clock Tower Antique Shop)

We see Issei and Zelretch on a table drinking and having a conversation. Issei had lemonade juice while Zelretch was having tea with a side of biscuits along with their drinks.

Zelretch: So your father was a soldier for the Japanese military?

Issei nodded to Zelretchs' question before answering him.

Issei: Mhm, Papa was apparently a Corporal and had to lead 13 private units In his service to the military.

Zelretch was surprised the average worker was actually a Corporal soldier In the military, But he really isn't surprised because the multiverse houses every possibility on what could happen on every timeline.

Zelretch: Your father served your country well didn't he?

Issei made a sad look with his smile still Intact, He looked up to his father and other soldiers In history. His father Gorou Hyoudou had actually named Issei because In Japanese his name is actually ''Loyal or Sincere Soldier'' which was very fitting as his father served the Military before passing away on a duty, Issei's father taught him a lot of things when it comes to battle despite Miki being highly against talking about war In front of his sons face due to him still being young. But nevertheless the young boy looked up to him in every way Imaginable as he tends to also walk the path of what his father once chose, Miki on the other hand after hearing this was extremely worried for her sons future If he does become a soldier, She had already lost her partner, Her husband and now her son? There was no way she was gonna let that happen.

Issei then caressed his pendant that was given by his own Father, the pendant's picture contained a picture of Gorou In his corporal Uniform and Issei, while being In a military base as a celebration of his promotion.

Issei: Yeah... I looked up to Papa in every way, I actually wanted to be a part of the military like what Papa did for our country but It seems like Mama was actually extremely against it.

Zelretch: Why is that?

Issei: Mama was scared that I would end up like Papa, that I would end up dead like him in the battlefield.

Zelretch laughed out loud.

Zelretch: Hahahaha! Well, You certainly don't look like a person who would be fit Into combat, You look very... Preserve.. Like an introvert- No offense that Is!

Issei: None taken sir.

He then took a sip of the lemonade juice before looking at his right hand looking at the mark of him being a master.

Issei: If you don't mind me asking sir, what's with this random mark on my hand?

Zelretch finished his tea and used a handkerchief to wipe his mouth before answering.

Zelretch: As I said before, You are now a master of 3 Individuals.

Issei: Again sir... I do not understand, Who are these Individuals?

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