Chapter 7

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[Violence, bullying and death]

Some themes in this chapter may be triggering to people

Please, prioritize your mental health <3

☼ Chapter Seven ☼

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Chapter Seven 

Watch Yourself

Ria finally stops running when she reaches the back of the main school building, knowing that nobody ever really goes there. She leans against the wall of the school, her stomach flipping. She puts a hand over her mouth as she crouches down, feeling as though she was going to see her breakfast again. Her breathing is too fast, her lungs constricting in her chest as though they were about to explode. 

Once she's positive that she isn't going to vomit, Ria sits against the wall. She pulls her knees into her chest, resting her head on her arms as she crosses them over her knees. 

The only thoughts that cross Ria's mind are the memories of growing up with Yuna, the day that they first met. Ria and Yuna had met when they were six, their father's working for the same company. Yuna had been so friendly, she had started calling Ria 'RiRi' as soon as they met. The nicknames had stopped once they both turned fourteen, Yuna suddenly only calling Ria by her name. She had been the only person that Ria knew when she moved here with her aunt, and Yuna had been the only person that was there to support Ria after her parents died.  

Yuna had actually completely ignored Sunghoon when Ria had introduced them to each other, the girl only wanting her friend's attention. In reality, Ria should've noticed the signs that something was going on between Yuna and Sunghoon. Yuna stopped ignoring him and actually laughed with him, she had even started asking about how he was or even where he was when he wasn't around. And when he was around, she would always make sure she looked her best. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Dan-ah chuckles as she approaches, Jiwoon and Nabi snickering on either side of her. Ria scurries to her feet, wiping at her face with her sleeves. 

"Can you just leave me alone, Dan-ah? I'm really not in the mood." Ria pleads, not even trying to hide the small whine in her voice. 

"Not in the mood? What happened? Did your best friend sleep with your boyfriend or something? Oh, wait.." Dan-ah smirks as Ria's head snaps up, her eyes wide as she looks at the three girls in front of her. 

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