Valentine's Day Special

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[author's note]

hiya babes!

this story happens during Ria and Ni-ki's first year of college


this is the last thing that I'll upload for 'As You Wish'

I thought that a cute little valentine's day special chapter would be fun

hope you enjoy! 

love ya! <3

☼ Valentine's Day ☼

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☼ Valentine's Day 

Ria sighs happily, sinking further into her bed sheets. She frowns slightly when her pillow chuckles, strong arms wrapping around her a little tighter. 

"Goodmorning." Ni-ki says quietly, earning a tired groan from Ria. 

"What time is it?" The girl asks, her eyes still closed. Ni-ki shifts, probably grabbing his phone from the nightside table. 

"8am." He says, snuggling back into the sheets. Ria groans again, squeezing her eyes shut. 

"Too early, no more talking." She says, pulling the blanket higher up over her shoulders. Ni-ki chuckles again, resting his chin on the top of her head. 

"Come on, it's Valentine's Day, shouldn't we get up now?" He asks, lightly kissing the top of Ria's head. She shakes her head, her eyes still tightly closed. Ni-ki lets out a dramatic sigh as he slides off the bed, Ria pulling her blanket up over her head. There's a grumble from the other side of the room, Ria assuming that it's her roommate. Ni-ki chuckles again, pulling the blanket off of his girlfriend. 

"Up, let's go." He says, gently pulling on Ria's arms. Ni-ki pulls her into a sitting position, the girl's eyes still closed in protest. Ria blinks her eyes open, looking up at Ni-ki as he stands in front of her. 

"Why do you hate when I sleep?" She asks, pouting. Ni-ki rolls his eyes, holding his hands on his hips. 

"I don't hate when you sleep, but it's Valentine's Day. I have plans for you." He says, bending forward to look at his girlfriend's face. Ria frowns, rubbing her eye with her hand. 

"What plans?" She asks, tilting her head to the side. Ni-ki straightens, shaking his head. 

"It's a surprise, go wash up and get dressed." He says, pulling the girl to her feet. Ria sighs sleepily as she shuffles to the bathroom, leaning against the door as she closes it. She shakes her head slightly, trying to wake herself up before stepping into the shower. Ria lets the cool water run over her face, still wondering what Ni-ki could possibly have planned for her. 

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