Chapter 14

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Dawn Dreaming

When you open your eyes again, it's dawn. You know this when you first see the fading dark sky from between the opened curtains, swept elegantly to each side. Then you hear the birds, their chirping muffled and soft from outside the damp window.

Someone was here...

You think, but really don't give much thought to this fact. Considering the last time you were here, you know by now that he has people come in and go out. Prepare or make things for him, before sleeping and before waking up. Clean whatever mess there was. Silently and carefully.

It's probably that woman again...

Your senses come back to your body gradually, and first you feel just how warm you are. You're still naked, sleeping in your commander's bed. Wrapped in... something!

Heavy, and hot, and... breathing!

You were about to jolt in panic but quickly gather and stop yourself when you realize that that something, that someone, is rising and lowering so calmly under your arm.

A chest...

Then you feel the skin, his skin, soft and warm. Attached and pressed to your own skin. And you glance up just a bit to finally see him, Erwin. Sleeping under you, wrapping you in his thick arms as your own body is snuggling him back, pulling him more to you. Your leg is up and draped over his thighs, and almost half of your body is lying over his torso. Both of your arms are holding him.

So you're both, at this second, a mess of tangled limps and heat and slow breaths. His breath is, yours is still increasing because of what you're fathoming.

Just how did this happen?

Your cheeks instantly heat up, then you start feeling the spots where both of your skins are touching are about to sweat from how hot you're getting. Yet it feels good, so good, you don't want to lift yourself up. Don't want to shift or make a sudden move that will cause him to wake up. Because as you stay lying there, your head rested just above his heart, listening to his soft heartbeat, you realize that your commander is actually sleeping!

The breath going in and coming out of his chest, so calmly. The way his body is so at ease, not tense like always, and his arms draped helplessly and effortlessly over you. Yet positioned at just the right angles to hold you. As if pulling you closer, and keeping you there. Into him. Like it's more than okay, more than natural, for you to be here. To sleep like this in his arms. As if you'd done this a thousand times before with him.

And he's okay with it...

It's not only good, it's heartwarming. It makes your heart swell in something. A feeling, you don't know and can't fathom it yet. It makes your mouth smile, more and more, by each breath and each heartbeat you hear. Your eyes glisten and you close them again, just to have a little more of this moment. Just to stretch it a bit. Make it last longer, or pause time, and stay right here with him.

Please God, longer...

And it lasts, for a few more minutes, a little longer, until...

"You're awake." His chest vibrates under your ear, and then you hear...


You hear the bed sheets rustling first, then feel the tense of his body under you. Those relaxed arms are growing stiff, getting ready to move. Then you're being pushed back, gently, carefully, and Erwin is shifting as well. Your body lays back over the mattress and you turn to see him stirring. Then he's facing you. Eyes closed, arms crossed, and he takes a deep breath.

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