Chapter 17: The Return to Restraint

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The movie ended, the glow of the TV flickering out, leaving Rahul's room in a subdued darkness. Aria, grateful for the temporary reprieve, reluctantly rose from the ground, a trace of comfort lingering as she made her way back to her servant room.

In the quiet solitude of the space, she retrieved the collar, the act of placing it around her neck an unspoken acceptance of the invisible chains that bound her. The cool metal against her skin was a stark reminder of the transient nature of solace in a life dominated by rules and servitude.

As Aria settled onto the floor, the collar securely in place, the room embraced her like a confining cocoon. The events of the day replayed in her mind – the chores, the moments of respite, and the unspoken expectations that lingered in the air.

In the solitude of her confined space, the night unfolded with a quiet resignation. The collar, symbolizing both submission and restraint, became a companion in the silent hours as Aria succumbed to the weight of exhaustion and the ever-present awareness of a life now governed by rules and expectations.

As sleep claimed her, the room remained a sanctuary of solitude, and Aria, with the collar snug around her neck, descended into the realm of dreams where the echoes of her former life and the shadows of her current reality blended into a restless tapestry of slumber.

Weeks unfolded in a predictable rhythm, each day beginning with the first light of dawn. Aria, now accustomed to the relentless routine, woke up at 5 am, her days an unending cycle of daily chores and efforts to please the demanding family.

The once-unfamiliar tasks became a familiar dance, executed with a mechanical precision born out of necessity. Aria's mornings were marked by the clatter of utensils, the swish of a broom, and the hum of routine that echoed through the walls of Rohit's house.

In her attempts to please the family, she navigated the delicate balance of servitude, her actions meticulously crafted to meet the unspoken expectations that hung in the air. Mrs. Sharma's stern gaze and Rahul's occasional demands became the compass points guiding her through the labyrinth of her new reality.

Rahul, perhaps recognizing the monotony, offered occasional moments of respite. An invitation to play or watch TV provided a brief escape from the relentless routine. In those fleeting moments, Aria allowed herself to be momentarily distracted, the constraints of servitude momentarily loosening.

As three weeks passed in this predictable pattern, the servitude became a way of life for Aria. The cold floor, the collar around her neck, and the daily chores became the constants in a life now molded by routine and resignation. The once-vibrant Aria, now draped in the cloak of servitude, embraced the monotony as she navigated the days with a quiet acceptance of the fate that had befallen her.

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