04- Eli

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A/N: Helloooo !! If you've read my other stories then you know that I'm super lazy :3 So with that being said, I'm going to time skip. *maniacal laugh* I am not writing the date because I quite frankly don't wanna, if you don't like it you can cope  😭😭 Anywho, let's get on with chapter 4 YIPEEEEEE

          (At the triplets house with Kora, it is Sunday. Eli and Liv already went on their date)

          "Are you gonna tell us how to date went or not?" Kora said.

"Oh my god yea I forgot about that, Liv you have to spill." Nick added.

"Ummm I on't know I guess it was fun..." I began.

"You guess?" Chris asked.

"No, it was fun, I actually had a good time. He was super sweet."

"Super sweet how?" Kora asked.

"Well, he took me to a coffee shop which was nice. He opened the car door for me, so that was kind. And he made me laugh, we have similar senses of humor which is very important to me. He's a little more preppy than you guys but I think you'll like him." I smiled at the memory. 

"ooooooo someone has a crush," Chris teased.

"Shut up," I giggled.

"I'm gonna go get some water." Matt said firmly and quickly got up.

"What's up his butt?" I asked.

"I dunno, he was fine earlier." Nick replied.

"Are you guys ready for the test tomorrow in math?" Kora asked.

"NO WHAT?" I asked dumbfounded.

"we have a test?" Chris asked. Kora nodded.

"Welp." Nick said.

"Womp womp" Matt said as he sat back down, no water in hand.

                                                    (Time skip, the next day at school.)

          After we'd gotten our test results back, Matt immeadiately turned around to face you. He let out a small chuckle before holding up his paper. A perfect 100. 

"God, you try hard." I slammed my paper on the desk.

"Is the bitch herself mad?" He joked.

"Me? Not at all." I smiled, ripping my paper in half.

"Really? I thought miss straight A's would be mad about an 89." He smiled.

"Oh please, your report card isn't higher than a 2.0 GPA. Besides, 89 is a high number." I threw the remains of my paper at him.

"Yea, okay," He mocked.

"Wanna hang out later?" Chris asked the group.

"I can't, I'm seeing Eli." 

"Oh?" Nick said, intrigued.

"Yea, we're just going to his house to hang out."

"When are we gonna get to meet the mystery man?" Chris asked.

"I dunno, whenever." I shrugged. The bell rang for break period, when we walked into the library, Eli was there sitting in our spot. He looked up and waved at me. I walked over and sat next to him. 
"Hey Eli. I didn't know you were gonna sit with us today?" I said.

"Yea, I figured I should meet your friends, babe." He said. Babe? I like Eli and all, but I hate that pet name more than I hate myself. 

"Um, okay," I smiled. 

"Eli, this is Matt, Chris, Nick, and Kora. Guys, this is the infamous Eli." I introduced. 

"Nice to finally meet you!" Kora said. A sudden tension washed over the group when Matt and Eli gave each other an intense stare.

"Um, it's nice to meet you, Eli." Nick said, shaking his hand. Chris did the same. Matt remained silent. 

"Nice to meet you all." Eli said, eyes focused on Matt. Break continued and I was happy to get out of there. I got in the car with Eli and we headed to his house. In his room, when I could feel an opportunity, I asked.

"So, what did you think of my friends?" 

"I like them. Kora is super sweet."

"But?" I asked, as I could feel one coming.

"But, I don't know how I feel about Matt."


"I don't know, I just don't like him."

"Well, that's okay, you don't have to like all my friends." A silence fell over the room. Thank the lord my brother called me.

"Oh, that's Jer, he probably wants me to go home."

"Do you need a ride?" Eli asked.

"No, Jer is picking me up. I think he's here actually." 



"Well, I should go." I said.

"Okay, bye Liv."

"Bye Eli."

Obviously, Jer didn't actually pick me up. I just wanted to leave, so I walked home. I don't know why, but I wish Eli liked Matt. Sure He and I have 'beef' but he's still a part of my life. I decided that I'm gonna brush it off. I'll get over it. 

                                                                               (Time skip :3)

          Eli and I have been going out for about four weeks now. He still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, I don't know why. I really like him and I think it could lead to something more than just dating.
          Eli has started to sit with us in break period pretty much daily. 

"Hey Nathan's throwing a party, he said we can all come." Chris said. 

"Oh nice, when is it?" Kora asked.

"Tomorrow at 9." Chris replied.

"We'll be there." I said. Matt leaned over to Nick and whispered something.

"Does Eli have to go? I don't have a good feeling about that, you know how he is." Matt whispered.

"I know but it's Liv's first relationship and I want to believe he's changed." Nick whispered back.

"I don't have a good feeling about this, I'm telling you." Matt replied.

"it's fine, you're overthinking it." 

"What are the two of you conspiring about?" Chris interjected.

"Nothing." Matt and Nick said in unison.  

A/N: There won't be that many time skips in the next one I promise lolll. The next couple of chapters aregoing to be extremely angsty. I'm soooo excited to write them. 



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