05- Party

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TW: !!this chapter will contain descriptions of SA!!

I went to Kora's house to get ready just us girls. As I began to do my lashes, she asked me a question.

"Do you actually like Eli?"

"Um yea. He's sweet, he treats me well. He's funny."

"Okay well is that all though? Like do you guys have anything in common? If y'all weren't romantic, would you wanna be his friend? does he provide anything more than bare minimum and a label?"

"dayum. Umm I don't know actually. I- I don't know I'd rather not talk about it at prom."

"Okay, sorry I just wanna know where it's going. I don't want any broken hearts. If he hurts you I swear to god I'll kick his pussy so far up his ass that when he gives a blowjob he'll get pregnant."

"Okay girl pipe down" I laughed. I went to go change into my outfit after my finishing touches of makeup. I put on a slim black dress, and black 2 inch heels.

"Matt just texted the group chat, the boys are here." Kora said.

"Alright, let's go." I replied as I stood up. I hate parties. That's another thing Matt and I have in common. It's not the having fun part we don't like, it's the crowd, the loud noises, just the hassle.

          "Hi guys !!" Kora and I said as we entered the car. I sat next to Eli.

"Eli, you look very handsome," I said with a smile.

"Thanks." He replied. Matt, Nick, and Chris looked at each other subtly baffled. 

"You guys both look stunning." Chris said to Lora and I. The boys gave their compliments, except for Eli.

          When we got there, I immediately make it my mission to find the quietest room. I say a quick hello to Nathan and I'm on my way upstairs. I walk past rooms where people are kissing, and finally find a cozy room with one or two other chill people.
          I'm bouncing my leg and picking at my fingernails to ease my nerves. Someone new walks in. I suppose Matt had the same idea as me. He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me.

"Honestly, do you have to roll your eyes like that?" I ask.

"Shut up Liv."

"Why do you hate me so much, Matt?" I ask. He looks at me blankly.

"Do we have to talk about this right now?"

"No..." We fell silent for a while.

"I don't hate you, Liv." He began, "I never have." I look at him.

"You don't?"

"No. We've just always been the ones that fight since as long as I can remember. I don't even know why it started."

          I immediately feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame. I know the reason this started. In fact, I may have started it. Sure, Matt said things about me, but I took initiative to ignore him.
          My leg begins to shake more rapidly and my finger begins to bleed from picking at it.

"Should we go downstairs before they file a missing persons report?" Matt said.

"Sure."  I replied. When we got downstairs, the first thing I encountered was Eli, stoned, offering me a drink.

"No thanks, I don't drink alcohol." I smiled, grimacing at the smell of weed on his breath.

"It's not alchohalic, don't worry baby." He puts the drink in my hand and I reluctantly take a sip. I instantly wince and cough after I swallow.

"Elijah what the fuck!? That's straight alcohol you asshole!"

"Oh.....whoops" he giggles.

                            (The next morning)
          I wake up on Nicks bed in a cold sweat. I stand up and immediately fall over. God, my head hurts so bad. And my legs are shaky. Not just that, my legs ache. I go to the bathroom to pee when I notice blood. Dried blood on my thighs and bruises on my wrists.
          What happened last night? It doesn't take long before it clicks what happened. I was clearly raped. Jesus, it makes my stomach churn to say it. I grab one of Nicks hoodies to cover my wrists and look in the mirror.
          I feel dirty. I'm ruined. I was waiting. Someone took that away from me. I'm angry. I'm violated. I'm sad. I go downstairs seeing the boys eating breakfast. I try not to make any eye contact.
"Hey Liv, do you want a waffle?" Chris asked.

"No, I'm okay." I bite at my lips aggressively.

"Hey do any of you remember what happened last night?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"Um, not exactly. You were upstairs most of the time." Nick replied.

"Why, is everything okay?" Matt asked.

"I'm fine, I should go. Her is probably worried." My voice cracking. I turn around to leave as fast as I can. When I get into my car, I start sobbing uncontrollably. My breaths becoming steep mountains impossible to climb.
          I get out of the car and knock back in the triplets door. I can't do this alone.
          Matt answers the door. I fall to the ground in tears. Matt catches my fall and hugs me tight, leading me inside.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay." His voice soft in a way I have never heard from him before.
          Once I've calmed down, I realize that I have to tell them what happened. I can't just sob in front of them and not tell them why.

"Liv, what's wrong? You can tell us, we're safe." Chris says. I clear my throat.

"I don't remember anything from the party after Matt and I came downstairs." I began, "but I woke up this morning and I noticed," I pull up my sleeves to reveal black and blue art on my wrists.
"I noticed sore bruises on my wrists." The triplets nodded as they listened.
"I got up to go to the bathroom and my legs were aching, so I thought that was weird. But then, I saw blood. Dried blood on my thighs." Nick gasped at the realization.
"Oh honey...." He sympathized. I began to tear up again.
"And I just feel so violated and dirty. I was like saving myself, you know? And I think the worst part is that I don't even know who did it. There are no clues. There's no evidence. No way to prove it even happened. But I know it did."

"Oh my god," Chris covered his mouth in disbelief.

"I'm so sorry, Liv, that's so terrible." Matt put his hand on mine in sympathy.

"We'll always be here for you. Whenever you need us." Nick added.

A/N: .....don't be mad at me plz 😭😭 I might've made it too sad on accident buttttt idc 🤪🤪 also for the sake of my sanity, Liv already told Kora, Eli, and Jer what happened. Keep reading to find out who did it 😱

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