Christmas Special • 1

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It was 5:30 in the morning at Chaldea.

(Y) and Mash were cuddling together in (Y)'s bed with Fou laying ontop of Noodles, (Y)'s sentient tail.

Despite saving the world from a doomed future (Y) and Mash still live in Chaldea with the other servents summoned on their adventures.

Fou's ear suddenly twitches as he hears giggling coming from the hallway.

He groggily looks up as he see's Jack open the door and sneaking in.

He watches silently as Jackie softly jumps onto the bed and crawls over to Mash and (Y).

She crouches down slightly looking like a cat ready to pounce.

Fou got up and off of Noodles, knowing what was about to happen.

Jackie then jumps up only to be caught by Noodles.

Jack: "Awe! Come on!"

Mash groans slightly as she rolls over to the lamp on the bed side table and turns it on, as well as grabbing her glasses and putting them on. Before leaning up slightly as the oversized t-shirt she stole from (Y) slide of her shoulder a bit.

Mash could hear (Y) groaning as he buried his head into there pillow. Although seeing Jack suspended in the air by Noodles with her arms crossed and pouting caused her to chuckle slightly.

Mash: "Still not working, Huh?"

Jack: "Hmph! Noodles is mean."

Mash: "You know your dad needs his beauty sleep. You don't want a Cranky Daddy, now do you?"

Jack: "No..."

Mash smiles as she gets out of bed her feet touch the floor casuing her to shiver slightly.

Mash: "It's cold..."

Mash brings her hands to her mouth and breaths hot air on them before rubbing them together trying to warm them up.

While Mash does this she takes notice of the ring on her right ring finger... it was a beautiful wedding ring with an amethyst jewel in it.

Mash looks over to (Y) as a matching ring was seen on his finger. A loving smile graced her lips as she kissed her husband's cheek.

And as much as she wanted to embrace him more... she had a child to take care of. So with much reluctance she grabbed Jackie from Noodles and lifted her up in her arms.

Mash: "Let's get breakfast, okay?"

Jack: "Okay Mommy."

Mash: "Do you want to walk or should I carry you?"

Jack snuggled into Mash making her choice clear.

Mash: "Okay."

Mash slides on a pair of slippers before walking out into the cold halls of Chaldea.

Mash: "Fewwh- it's much colder today."

Jack: "It's close to Christmas!"

Mash: "Really? I never celebrated Christmas...:

Jack: "Wha!? How come!"

Mash: "Well, Mommy had to save the world. There was no time for Christmas."

Jack: "Awe..."

Mash smiles softly and kisses the top of Jack's head.

Mash: "How about when Daddy wakes up we can come up with a plan, for Christmas."

Jack: "Yay!"

Mash smiles at Jack's enthusiasm as she walked into Chaldeas cafeteria. Which was surprising full despite it being the earlier hours of the day.

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