4 • The Caster of Hounds

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Mash and Olga continued to run, behind them purple lazers flew. The sounds of battle gradually disappearing from earshot as they made it to Fuyuki Bridge.

Olga: "W... we made it... For God's sake, what is happening? Why are Servants here?"

Roman: "I see... A Holy Grail War? A Holy Grail War was going on in that town! Normally, I would be a Battle Royale amongst Seven Servants summoned in Fuyuki. But something's gone terriblely wrong. I'm not surprised there's a Servant without a Master. It's natural for Servants to target other Servants."

Mash: "Then as long as I'm here, we'll be targeted by other Servants?"

Olga: "But Mash has nothing to do with the Grail! That's just a wandering phantom gone mad!"

???: "I found it. New prey. The Grail shall be mine!"

Roman: "Servants signal confirmed, it's an Assassin-class Servant! Mash since (Y)'s not here I'll try and guide you through this!"

Mash: "Right!"

Roman: "Mash make sure you keep your eyes on him! Don't let him get out of sight!"

Mash runs towards the Assassin as it jumps over the shield strike heading its way.

The Assassin now behind Mash swing its massive arm at her sending her flying from the force.

Roman: "Shit! Mash stay on defense!"

Olga: "He's to fast Roman!"

The Assassin runs towards Mash who keep her shield up protecting herself. The Assassin jumps off her shield to create a bit of distance only for Mash to punch the Assassin in the gut.

Mash: "All right! How about that!"

Assassin: "This is a waste of time. I could have handled this on my own."

Roman: "Mash, fall back! Another Servant is coming!"

Mash: "Wait what happened to Senpai!"

Roman didn't get to answer as a shadow Servant gets thrown onto a metal pipe that was sticking out of a broken building. The pipe now stabbed into there stomach and with an inch out on the other side.

???: "Gah- You Bi-"

The servant couldn't let out its final words as (Y) jumps onto the Servant bring the pipe deeper into its body.

With a growl (Y) snaps the Pipe that the Servant was on and impaled the Servants head onto it.

(Y) then gets thrown next to Olga.

(Y): "Shit..."

A Lancer Servant walked our from where (Y) was, likely being the one to throw him.

Assassin: "Let's finish this, Lancer. I dont know what kind of Heroic Spirit that is, but I will have her head."

Roman: "Director, Mash! You guys need to keep moving!"

Fou: "Fou! Fou!"

(Y) looks back seeing Olga and Mash Frozen in fear Fou trying to get Mash moving.

Roman: "Dammit! (Y), you're the only calm one now! Can you still fight?"

(Y) rips of his left arm which was mangled beyond repair and a new arm grew in.

(Y): "Mash... don't let the fear consume you."

Mash finally shakes out of her stupor.

Mash: "Understood, there's no other option!"

Assassin: "Ha! Futile! You think another one will save you! Fight, then you die. Run, and you still due. The demise of the futile, oh so miserable."

Lancer: "Go ahead and struggle. Miserable people are so entertaining."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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