3 • Vulnerability...

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Mash and (Y) just finished destroying another group of skeletons that stood in there way.

Mash: "The hostile lifeforms have been removed. Let's move on."

Olga: "I didn't know what would happen with that monster, but I expected nothing less of a Servant. Such power."

Mash: "Not that it makes them look any less scary... By the way Director, I have a question for you. The Fuyuki in our data, and thus Fuyuki are just too different. What happened in this city, exactly? What are your thoughts, Director?"

Olga: "Let's seen, history must've been slightly disrupted. That's the only reason I can think of. Mash, (Y) listen up I'll only say this once. Chaldea observes the future through an Earth model called Chaldeas. At the same time, a familiar called Laplace compiles past records. You can say it's Laplace's job to gather data on history that wasn't made public, and information that was buried in darkness that no one knows. And according to Laplace's observation--"

(Y): "The Holy Grail War of 2004, right?"

Mash and Olga turn to (Y).

Olga: "How did you?"

(Y): "I lived through it... but it didn't turn out like this. I dont remember much but the fire of Fuyuki happened in 1994 and only destroyed a portion of the city. I and one other were the only survivors."

Mash: "Wait. The Holy Grail War? You mean the Holy Grail from the legend? The magical chalice that is the root of all magecraft, the one that is said to grant its holder's wishes?"

Olga: "Yes, that's the one. Mages in Fuyuki City competed for the Grail, and in order to activate it summoned seven Heroic Spirits. That was the beginning of the Holy Grail War. Unknown to anyone, Servants were summoned to this town. The Fuyuki Holy Grail Ear system is simple. Seven Masters fight each other. The last one standing gets the Grail. Chaldea learned about this in 2010. My father... I mean, the previous director used this data to build the summoning system. That's what makes up Chaldea's Heroic Spirit Summoning System, Fate. Our third invention after Laplace and Chaldeas."

Mash: "Third? Isn't that the Near-Future Observation Lens, Sheba?"

Olga: "That was created by Professor Lev. Well, I guess you can say we both worked on it. Anyways, this is where Servants come from. Seven Servents fought here, and in the end, Saber was victorious. The town wasn't destroyed, and the Servants shouldn't have been noticed by anyone, but... Now this is happening. We should assume that the outcome changed due to this Singularity. And if we don't fix this Singularity then human kind will go extinct within 100 years. That's why we must find the cause of this."

(Y): "That I can agree with."

Mash: "Although we're not exactly sure what's going on, It's good that the mission is simple."

Another monster appears near by and rushes towards the trio.

Olga: "Again?!"

(Y): "This is getting annoying."

(Y)'s tail instantly disintegrates the hoard.

(Y): "Although I am glad there keeping me from overheating..."

Mash: "Is that why you keep firing that beam?"

(Y): "Yeah. The fire is making it easier for a Nuclear Meltdown to happen if I'm not careful. That's another reason I want this to be over and done with, don't want to disintegrate you two..."

Olga: "Yep, we should hurry!"

(Y): "Although I gotta thank you Mash. You've made it an easier battle with your strength."

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