2 • Director oh, Director...

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(Y) and Mash made there way up a buring skyscraper. (Y)'s sharp claw like nails digging into the steel and bounding up like an agile animal. Occasionally allowing his 14 foot long tail hoist Mash up.

Mash: "Senpai. We will soon reach the point Doctor Specified. There are only flames as far as the eye can see. It's nothing like Fuyuki in our data. According to our data, it's an average regional city. There's no records of such disasters occurring in 2004... The Mana density in the atmosphere is also abnormal. In fact, it's a lot like ancient Earth..."

(Y): "The only fire in Fuyuki was in 1994... but the mana density is strange..."

???: "Kyaaaaa!!!"

(Y): "Someone's close."

Mash: "It was a woman's scream for sure. Let's hurry over, Senpai!"

Mash and (Y) quickly bound over multiple buildings as the director Olga Marie came in view multiple robed figures in front of her.

Olga: "Wh-Who are these guys, anyway? Why do these things keep happening to me? I can't take it anymore! Come save me, Lev! You were always there for me right?"

Mash: "Director Olga Marie?"

Olga: "Y-You two! What in the world is goin on here?"

(Y): "Duck."

Olga: "Wha!"

Mash forces Olga down as a Purple beam flys over the two of them cutting down the hord of skeletons as well as anything behind them for the next 10 miles.

Olga and Mash look up at (Y) seeing his eye's and mouth regenerate from the heat.

Mash: "Are you hurt, Director?"

Olga: "What was that... what's going on?"

(Y): "A condensed ray of mana and radiation. As for what's going on? Chaldea was attacked. By who? Unknown."

Mash: "My situation? I'm sure it's hard to believe but---"

Olga: "A Demi-Servant, right? It's pretty obvious that you fused with a Servant. What I wanr to know is why it's successful now all of a sudden and why (Y) is shooting lazer beams form his mouth! Was that why your mouth was bleeding?! And more importantly how did you become a Master? Only first-class Mages can enter contracts with Servants! There's no way you could ever be a Master! What did you do to have her do your bidding---"

(Y)'s Tail quickly wrapped around Olga and pulled her into his body as he looks down at her. His cold blank eyes looking directly into her as the eyeless sockets of his tail seemed to mock her.

(Y): "I don't give a shit who you are or what status you have. Right now you are at my mercy. If I want I can have your body reduced to nothing but ash. You never tested my mana, in fact I didn't even do one of your stupid fucking tests. I'm a walking nuclear and mana reactor. I leak Radiation and Mana by the elephantsfoot. So I suggest you keep you're god damned mouth shut. Less I take you're jaw as a trophy. Do you understand?"

Olga: "I-I."

(Y): "I said. Do. You. Understand."

Olga: "Y-Yes..."

(Y) took a second to study her before putting her down.

(Y) walked forward towards the spot Olga was standing as his Tail watched the Director.

Mash went up and explained the situation as (Y) examined the area.

Mash: "And that's how it happened. We were dragged into Rayshift. And teleported here to Fuyuki. No other Master candidates shifted with is. You're the only human we've run into, Director. But this gives me hope. If you're here, that means there must be other candidates who got teleported here..."

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