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"Hey," said Vivi. 

Shockwave was lying splayed out on his couch. He looked at Vivi without turning his head and grunted.

"Um, I brought some food," said Vivi. 

Shockwave grunted again. Then he seemed to notice Chamuel and stared at them for a moment. He looked away again, apparently feigning disinterest.

"Fine," said Shockwave. "Thanks, I guess."

Vivi took a plate of pasta and a cup of tea and, hesitating only a moment, touched the crystal wall of Shockwave's cell with the cup. Sensing her intention, it melted and flowed to give way. 

Vivi began to bend down to leave the stuff on the ground – then changed her mind. She straightened up and took a step through the glass. It felt like moving through water.

Vivi handed Shockwave the items, who seemed to be doing his level best to seem unimpressed. Then she went out, took the other plate and cup from Chamuel and came back into the cell.

"Move up," said Vivi. 


"Come on, move up," said Vivi in a friendly but assertive way. Shockwave made some space for Vivi on the couch. 

"I exploded you into blood and guts a few hours ago and now you're eating spaghetti with me on a couch?" 

"Oh Jesus, don't remind me of that when I'm eating," said Vivi with her mouth full.

"Fine," said Shockwave, taking a bite. 

"Also, fettuccine," said Vivi.


"Fettuccine, not spaghetti," said Vivi. 

"You think I care?" said Shockwave.

"You seem to like it well enough," said Vivi. 

"S'okay," said Shockwave. "I'm not drinking this, though."

"Oh, right, sorry," said Vivi. "What do you want?"

"What do you have?"

"Literally anything you can imagine."

"Fifty year old Champagne," Shockwave said in definitive tones.


"We have Champagne, but not that particular vintage," said Chamuel.

Vivi waved her hand at the table. "Let there be wine."

Nothing happened. "Sorry, not inspired," said Vivi. "...Which means you don't actually want Champagne; you're just testing me. What do you actually drink?"

"Soda. Beer."

"Hmm. And are you a responsible drinker?"


"Ummm... I think I won't just take that on trust. Sorry. You get two beers a day."

"Just two beers, Morpheus? What kind of prison is this?"

Vivi looked up, almost startled, and suddenly grinned from ear to ear. "Shockwave... did you just make a joke?"

Shockwave rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Morpheus. Where's my beer?"

Vivi closed her eyes and thought of soda and beer. It wasn't that interesting, so she went big and thought of lots of soda and beer, of variety and fun and colour –

A fridge appeared, packed with a rainbow of different drinks; "Vivi Orange", "Vivi Cola", "Vivi Lemon", "Chili Cherry Cream", "Honey Fizz", "Lavender Cola"...

Shockwave took a "Bro Beer". "This is so dumb," he said.

Vivi sipped at her tea and smiled.


Shockwave wolfed his food down; Vivi ate more slowly. When she was done, she looked at Shockwave and said, "How can I make you comfortable, Shockwave?"

"Oh god, that's creepy," said Shockwave.


"You're like the witch from Hansel and Gretel or something. Giving me candy before you throw me in the oven."

"Ah. Hard to believe in my good intentions."

"Yeah, what are you playing at, Morpheus?"

"Um..." Vivi went inwards and tried to feel what words to say. "You're not getting why I'd lock you up and then try and make you comfortable like this."

"That's what I said!"

Vivi took a breath. "I want you to know that I'm trying to do what's best for everyone here, and I can't give you your freedom yet, but I still care about your needs."

"That's such hippy bullshit!"


"You think that would work in the real world, Morpheus?"

Vivi gritted her teeth. "This is the real world, Shockwave. I won and now I get to do what I want with you. I don't know how much more gritty and realistic you want this to be."

"Fuck you," said Shockwave.

Vivi closed her eyes, frowning. Fuck *you*, Shockwave. And have I ever mentioned what a dumb name that is? No? It's a dumb name, Shockwave. Vivi found her breath and felt her anger. Yeah, you're angry, she reflected to herself. Want more respect than this. ...Yeah.

"I'm sorry," said Vivi aloud. "That was mean of me. I'm tired and I want to be understood with my intentions here and I just want to know what I can do for you to make this whole thing suck a little less. I know it might be hard to believe, but that's what I want. Can you tell me if that makes sense to you?"

"Uh... sure."

"What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?"




Vivi manifested a cupboard with some corn flakes, nuts, oat milk, bowls and a bag of crisps. 

"Do you want some other books?" 

Shockwave snorted.

"What would help you pass the time?" 

"I dunno, man!" 

"Video games? A gym?" 


The floor shook with power as Shockwave's room expanded. 

"Do you like music?"

Shockwave stared at Vivi.

What now? Thought Vivi angrily. And then she realised. He was deaf until a few hours ago. "I'm sorry..." Vivi stammered.

"Yes," said Shockwave slowly and in a level tone. "I want some music." 

"What sort?"



"You got a problem with that, Morpheus?"

"Uh... no, of course not!"

Vivi waved her hand a couple of times, too flustered to really use her power. She finally got it to work by imagining a gorgeous old vinyl player with a brass speaker covered with the most intricate vine patterns.

Flushed, Vivi created a bed and a few changes of clothes – it was effort and it gave her a headache – shouldered through the crystal wall, and turned back to Shockwave. 

"Good night," said Vivi. 

"Good night, Morpheus," said Shockwave, looking weary. 

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