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Morning came in space – or rather, the sun became visible from beneath the edge of the earth.

From Vivi's bedroom, this felt almost like a normal morning, except that the sky was still black and the sun felt harsher than she was used to. With her splitting migraine, this was the last thing she needed.

"Oh God... Jesus... Mohammad and fucking Krishna," moaned Vivi into her pillow. Why did I use my powers without being inspired last night? That was not worth it just to get out quicker from an uncomfortable social situation.

Hey... you've done more to get out of less, came a cheeky thought. Vivi snorted. Then groaned again.

"House! Blinds!" Vivi groaned. Nothing happened. What would the command be? "Sky Palace! Put down the blinds!"

That worked. Vivi was enveloped in comforting, delicious darkness. Thank goodness for designing things so I don't have to depend on my powers. Vivi doubted she could so much as manifest a tapdancing ant right now.

"Chamuel!" Vivi moaned. Please let them have good hearing. I gave them good hearing, right?

After about a minute there was a knock. "Come in," said Vivi.

"Good morning, Vivianne. You called?" came Chamuel's comforting voice.

"Green tea," said Vivi. "A whole pot. And an aspirin."

"Of course," said Chamuel.


It was a slow morning. The green tea helped. Eventually Vivi could pull herself out of bed, take her book, and make for the viewing deck.

Vivi passed Shockwave's room on the way. Or rather, cell. It was getting cozy, anyway. He was lying in bed listening to Beethoven's Ninth. Vivi felt a surprising amount of affection for him like that. Better not spoil the feeling by talking to him. If he noticed her pass, he didn't acknowledge it.

The sun was shining bright as Vivi entered the viewing deck. She began to strip off. "Can you bring me some sunglasses, Chamuel?" Vivi asked, without bothering to raise her voice.

As Vivi settled into a sun lounger, she suddenly felt irrationally worried about cosmic rays.

Come on, she reassured herself. I've somehow got electricity and fresh air in here. And that's just the stuff that doesn't rely on continually breaking the laws of physics.

That probably doesn't rely on that...

Anyway, I made this glass so that it filters out just enough of the sun's rays to leave me with a perfect tan.

How do I know?

I just know.

Not comforting.

Hey, that's how magic works.

"Your sunglasses, miss Vivianne," came Chamuel's voice.

"Thank you, Chamuel," said Vivi.

"How's your headache?" asked Chamuel.

"Getting there," said Vivi.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Uhh... yeah. Can you mix me a funky cocktail?" Vivi asked, gesturing at the minibar.

"Of course. What sort?"

"Something fun. Surprise me," said Vivi.

"With pleasure."

Vivi enjoyed watching Chamuel's graceful movements. She vaguely wondered how much of her actual guardian angel she had put in this robot.

"Thank you, Chamuel," said Vivi, taking the colourful drink and taking a sip. It was a typical mocktail as far as she was concerned: the adornments were the most interesting thing about it.

Well, maybe the best part was feeling like she was getting a bit of attention and care. She smiled.

"Say, Chamuel."

"Yes, miss Vivianne."

Vivi giggled at being addressed in such a way. "Are you sentient?"

"No, miss Vivianne."

"Oh." Vivi felt vaguely disappointed. "How do you know?"

"A deep and difficult question, miss Vivianne. Perhaps it's enough to say that my behaviour is entirely explicable by deterministic arrangements of ones and zeros, and that as far as anyone can tell I do not tap into the quantum field like a sentient being would."

"I don't think that is enough to end the discussion," shrugged Vivi, determined to find amusement in this.

"Then, of course, there's the fact that in the act of creating me you stipulated that I should not be sentient, as you weren't ready to deal with the ethical implications of creating conscious life."

"I stipulated that? When?"

"All I know is what's in my code, miss Vivianne."

Vivi thought about it. That did sound like her. She could remember having such thoughts years ago already. So, that clarity was just sitting around somewhere in her brain, and came out in that wordless ecstasy of creation as she made the Sky Palace, just like so many other things did?

"Perhaps if you are lonely, you could call one of your romantic partners," said Chamuel. "I'm sure that they would be happy to hear from you."

"See, that is way too intuitive and frankly a bit too uppity for someone without free will to say."

"My apologies, miss Vivianne."

"You're no fun," said Vivi.

"Again, my apologies."

Vivi sighed. She was a bit lonely. But she still didn't want to call anyone. She was scared of losing her resolve.


Vivi had her lunch on her own before finally feeling ready to face Shockwave again.

Shockwave was playing a Mario game. He looked up briefly at Vivi, then went back to his apparently intense focus.

Vivi considered asking for permission to come in, but decided to spare the both of them that conversation. Instead, she stepped through the wall, and sat down next to Shockwave on the sofa. Shockwave glanced at Vivi again briefly but otherwise showed every sign of indifference to her presence. Vivi watched Shockwave's video game avatar bounce and run around. He was pretty good.

After a few levels was the boss fight. Shockwave needed a few tries before he defeated the big ol' dinosaur guy and saved the princess. Classic.

"Let me join," said Vivi before Shockwave could start another level.


"This game has a multiplayer mode, right?"

"Yeah. I didn't think you'd be the gaming type."

"I have a little sister," said Vivi.

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