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Vivi let off a bit of steam in the gym and then went to the library.

She picked up a few books and marvelled at their contents, reminded that manifestation was a lot more than just what she could do with her conscious mind. She'd never read Carry On by Rainbow Rowell before, but she was sure that the contents were not anything she'd personally have thought up, and would match copies of that book on Earth.

Can I take credit for any of this, really? She put the book back.

Vivi found what she was looking for. A newspaper stand.

This is how far you'll go to avoid connecting to the internet?

Shush. Libraries are an aesthetic.

You just keep telling yourself that...

Shrugging off her uncomfortable thoughts, Vivi looked through the newspapers. Four Killed In Encounter With Superhuman, one read. The next one mentioned a single murder, and already used the pseudonym "Shockwave". The third one was the worst. Fourteen killed and sixteen injured, including seven with major hearing loss, in a school. Sweet Jesus... Vivi was glad she hadn't seen this before. It would have made it much harder to stay compassionate.

Vivi's heart was heavy as she held the weight of all the life lost. She imagined each person, what life they could have had, who they might have loved and who loved them. The pain their family must feel now. Tears came to her eyes.

There were two more newspaper articles – a year later, Vivi realised. Two spats of killings, all in Colorado, one set of three a year ago, and then two – two last week.

They were individual murders last week, Vivi saw. Out in public. Each person was hit with such force that their bodies had been completely unidentifiable. It was still not known who they had been.

The articles didn't mention much in the way of Shockwave's possible motivations. The word "senseless" was used frequently.

Vivi sighed. That was enough.

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