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Vivi came up to Shockwave's cell. He was playing video games, thrashing about with the controller. Vivi could just imagine him doing that to people. To kids.

Vivi breathed. She centred herself. Anger turned to sadness. Tears ran down her cheeks.

Vivi looked at Shockwave again. He had a reason, she reminded herself.

No reason could be good enough, came an angry voice in her.

I don't mean a good reason. He had a human reason. Look at him. He's angry. He's in pain.

Vivi felt that now, as she gazed at Shockwave frowning, hitting at the controller with his thumbs.

If you think that way, said the harsher part of Vivi, you are going to get hurt.

Vivi noticed how her heart wanted to contract, to protect itself. She gave it love and gently waited until it softened a bit.

"What are you doing?" asked Shockwave. The screen showed Game Over. "You're crying."

Vivi stayed with herself a moment longer, before wiping the tears off her face and striding through the barrier. "Budge up," she said.

Shockwave grunted and let Vivi join him on the sofa.

"Can we play my favourite game today?" asked Vivi.

"What's your favourite game?"


"Kirby's for girls," said Shockwave.

"I hate to break it to you, Johnathan, but I'm a girl."


"I'm tired of using your... super-thingy name. Come on," said Vivi, selecting Kirby from the game menu, "you'll like it."


"What you want for dinner?"


"You got that, Chamuel?"

"Yes," came Chamuel's voice, nonchalant but echoing as if it was loud and coming from a distance.


They played for an hour or so – Shockwave grudgingly appearing to enjoy it – before Chamuel brought a tray with burgers, fries, and salad. It all looked decidedly gourmet, with thick cut fries and buns that looked fresh out the oven. Shockwave wrinkled his nose at it but took the plate Chamuel offered him.

"So," said Vivi, dipping a french fry into ketchup, "If it's not too forward of me to ask – I've been guessing you are a gangster."

"I was," said Shockwave, his expression unreadable.

"Oh," said Vivi. She decided to keep silence a while, and just ate.

"You don't get it, man," said Shockwave.

"What don't I get?" asked Vivi through a mouthful of veggie burger.

"It's not like I chose to be a gangster, okay?"

Vivi met Shockwave's hard eyes and nodded.

Vivi didn't push the issue further. They finished the meal, played another hour of Kirby, and then Vivi said goodnight and went to bed.

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