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✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿no need to ask✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

☆━━━I KEPT MY EYES locked on the red scarf I was attemptin' to knit as I tried ta' keep my thoughts from wonderin' to a certain raven-haired girl upstairs

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━━━I KEPT MY EYES locked on the red scarf I was attemptin' to knit as I tried ta' keep my thoughts from wonderin' to a certain raven-haired girl upstairs. I bit down on the inside of my cheek, tryin' to distract myself from the need to go up and check on her like the fuckin' mother hen I was slowly becomin'.

Just focus on the damn knittin', not Alaska.

I could see Mikey in my peripheral vision as he clicked on the tv, falling onto the lounger beside Donnie as they started to watch a show they seemed to like. And while they were relaxin', April and Casey occupied the kitchen to cook up dinner for tonight.

Not gonna lie, I would rather be hoverin' Leonardo and Alaska than be down here right now. And it wasn't 'cause I was trying to be a dick. I was just peopled out for the day. After Alaska's outburst, and her practically going she-hulk on the van, the worry I held for my best friend was both mentally and physically drainin' me.

"What do you think is going on with her?" Casey questioned in a low voice as he trailed out the kitchen behind April, his hands balancing a glass dish. He set it on the table, his eyes tracking his girlfriend, who paused with a frown.

"I..." A crease formed between her eyebrows as she turned her eyes toward the staircase as if Alaska would suddenly appear. "I don't know. She won't talk to me...It's started after the invasion. It's like something just- just shifted in her. Like she's here physically, but her mind...is somewhere else."

My mask shifted as I pinched my brow ridges together. So, I wasn't the only one who noticed Alaska's shift in personality? April's navy eyes fell onto me, and she stirred closer. I took note of the anxious lines displayed across her forehead and glowered.

How could I read her openly, yet couldn't tell when my fuckin' best friend was struggling?

I'm a damn asshole.

"Raph, do you know anything?" April questioned, keepin' her voice gentle as possible. I knew it was because she didn't want Alaska to overhear. That girl had the ears of a bat, leaving me shocked half the damn time.

I stopped knittin' long enough to give April a quick glance, before lookin' at Casey who was waiting for my answer. I grunted, standin' to my feet and tossing my stuff on the shelf in the dining area as I squared my shoulders.

"I know 'bout as much as you." I groused out, trying to keep my voice gentle, which felt pretty damn weird. My gaze also jerked to the staircase for a moment. "Rebel is a strong girl, if anyone can pull themself outta dark place, it's her. We jus' gotta be there for her and help where we can,"

My words hung heavy in the air. Hell, even the guys in the livin' room had lowered the volume on the TV so they could listen. We were all concerned for Alaska and her mental health. 'Specially after today. But I meant what I said. She was a damn smart girl, and strong too.

After all the shit we've been through together, I knew this was just a rough time for her.

'Specially with my brother bein' out of commission.

I thought back to all the times I would tease her for likin' the all-fearless leader, and 'bout all the times she would deny it, but still let her eyes follow him when he walked into a room with that damn puppy dog expression. It didn't take a scientist to figure out she loved him more than she put on. Shit, I've known Alaska since she was thirteen. She came into our lives long before any human when we were just kids, and I felt I knew her like the back of my damn hand. It's nearly been seven years of friendship, and I think I'm vigilant enough to see when my best friend has feelings for someone.

Even when she doesn't want to admit it.

"It's not just her mental health I'm worried about," Donnie suddenly spoke, makin' his way into the dining area with us. He folded his arms as his golden gaze drifted over to me, "Her vital signs have been depleting since we got on the farm, and I think it has something to do with her abilities."

Now that caught my damn attention, and my brother was quick to note the looks on both mine and April's face, so he explained.

"I'm not only checking Leo's Vitals when I go up there." Donnie admitted, "Allie's makeup has been changing. Take today, for example – Raph, you were right in what you said...she should have been able to block your attack. One of the strongest traits in her abilities is her sense of danger. It seems like it's been lacking lately, and then, while I was evaluating her, I was quick to notice she can't focus on things without her senses kicking into overdrive,"

I tried to keep up with this information. I shot him a curious look, "What do ya' mean, 'kickin' into overdrive'?" I kept my voice low, not wanting Alaska to overhear us talking about our concerns on her 'Spidey senses'.

Donnie pulled up a chart on his watch, a holographical screen lighting up the dining area as he showed us a chart holdin' information about her abilities. When in the hell did he make that shit? I took a step closer to get a better look, April following in pursuit.

I had no damn idea what I was lookin' at as Donnie pointed at something on the chart, "For us turtles, our senses are amplified more than humans. Our genetic makeup gives us an advantage on things like smell, hearing, taste, and even our strength." He explained before tapping his watch and conveying a percentage chart on Alaska's biology. "Now imagine our senses, but times that by ten! Alaska's senses are off the chart! Especially her strength. I wouldn't put it past her to be able to lift over ten tons of weight,"

"No way!" Mikey whisper-shouted as he popped his head over our shells, his light blue gaze shining as the holographs lit up his face. He held a look that showed concern but couldn't resist the childish wonder. "You mean Saska can go all she-hulk and smash things like she did today?"

I rolled my eyes and shared a look with Donnie as he slowly nodded at our brother, "Yes Mikey, she could smash things."

"Wicked..." Mikey smirked.

"So, what does this mean for Alaska?" April asked, looking taken aback by all the information Donnie just dropped about our friend. I was still wondering when he got this information. Guess it was around the time she got bit. I remember Donnie goin' all geeky when he found out our human friend got powers from a radioactive spider.

Donnie turned off his watch before turning to April, "It means, even after having these abilities for a few years, she still struggles to balance them. Splinter and Leo were her anchor – and she lost both in a blink of an eye."

It was all starting to make sense now, and I felt like a dumbass for not realizing that sooner. Her mood swings, lack of appetite, and lack of sleep made sense. She really was trying, and I was an asshole for pushin' her today. She probably hated my damn guts right now.

Just as I opened my mouth to say somethin' else, a rushed voice, followed by a crash, had my body goin' tense and my trained senses on high alert as panic rushed through my veins. There was a long pause of tense silence before Alaska started yelling for us.

"Guys, get up here now! Leo's awake!"

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