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Papyrus brought Sans to Waterfall. He knew it was Sans' favorite location out of all of the Underground, and he was right. Sans looked up bewilderedly at the crystal dotted ceiling with wide sockets before he reached up and watched the blue light filter out from between his fingers. "It's Beautiful, Isn't It?" Papyrus asked. Sans slowly nodded his head, entranced by the 'stars'. "⬥︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ♓︎⬧︎ ⧫︎♒︎♓︎⬧︎ ◻︎●︎♋︎♍︎♏︎📬︎📬︎✍︎" Papyrus scratched his skull uneasily. He still had no idea what Sans was saying. He didn't know how to answer a question he didn't even know. Sans seemed to know his dialect, though, even if he couldn't speak it. Thus, Papyrus decided to introduce the location they were in. "This Is Waterfall... It Is Known As The Prettiest Place In The Underground!" Sans had lowered his arm as he continued to look up. "waaa... waaaer..... fol... prity..." He whispered softly. Papyrus blinked at him. "Yes... Waterfall Is Pretty..." Papyrus agreed in mild shock. He noticed how Sans' legs started to shake. The distance was probably a lot for a child, so Papyrus scooped him up and held him close.


Sans stared hard at Papyrus as he walked along. Papyrus didn't understand why. He wasn't hurting Sans. Maybe his brother felt uncertain of where they were going? "We Are Going Back Home, Sans... You Will Be Ok..." He hated that he had to reinforce that. Sans had no reason to fear. What was he so afraid of? Sans rested his chin on Papyrus' shoulder to watch the 'stars' behind them. Papyrus could feel Sans fighting to relax, his body tensing and relaxing before tensing again. It seemed to Papyrus that Sans was trying to fall asleep, but his fear and anxiety was making him fight against it. As much as Papyrus hated to say it, for once he felt that Sans was in need of a nap. He was very young, after all, he was fairly certain naps for children his age- however old he was- were mandatory. While Sans slept, Papyrus could find out his next steps. It seemed to him that things would be like this for a while. He needed to know how to raise a little child. Books from the librarby would be a good start, but if he could consult an expert...


Not even Sans could fight against the sacred childhood text that was Fluffy Bunny. He most certainly tried as Papyrus tucked him in like a burrito and started to read and show the pictures. But Sans became riveted to the book, and his sockets started to close, and before Papyrus was even halfway, though, he was out and about in his dreamland. Papyrus rubbed his head and left the door open a crack so that he could listen for Sans. It occurred to Papyrus that he couldn't just leave Sans home alone. He wasn't sure who to call for help, either... Undyne wasn't exactly someone he felt he could trust around children. Especially around a child version of his brother. Well... he supposed that Grillby did have a niece... perhaps he could get pointers from him? That would mean going into that greasetrap of a restaurant... "Nyeh..." Papyrus sat down with a groan. For Sans... he would do it. Sans had raised him ever since he was a baby, it was about time Papyrus pay him back for all the kindness his brother had shown him. So next stop was Grillby's Bar and Grill.

The Tot Sans ExperimentWhere stories live. Discover now