Another Checkup

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It was time to return to the lab once more, and Papyrus was scared... He was scared he would lose progress with Sans. It had been three weeks since the grocery store thing, and the pair were closer than ever. Almost back to how things had been before, he became a toddler. "Sans... You Trust Me, Right? You Know I Will Protect You From All The Bad Things, Brother... I Won't Allow You To Be Hurt..." Papyrus had told Sans where they were going. He refused to lose this. Sans cuddled into his chest, just a ball of anxiety. "... i know..." Sans whispered in a small voice. Papyrus gave him a little, reassuring smile. "How About After The Checkup, We Go Get Some Nice Cream, Yes?" Despite his anxiety, Sans smiled. "i like nice cream..." Papyrus chuckled softly. "I Know You Do, Brother..." They entered Hotland and Sans all but hid in Papyrus scarf. He pet his little big brother in gentle reassurance as he headed for the doors of the lab. "I've Got You... I Won't Let Anything Bad Happen." Papyrus promised Sans. He would never let him deal with this alone again.


Alphys was in there waiting... along with Undyne. Papyrus gave her an unimpressed look. In the three weeks he'd been with Sans, he had continued to not go to training. He was upset with her and what she'd done to Sans. What she said about Sans. He wasn't going to tolerate it. "Well, It Took A Little Coaxing, But We Are Here!" Papyrus spoke directly to Alphys, letting Undyne know they still weren't on speaking terms. The fish woman frowned more before her focus landed on Sans, curled into Papyrus. The child was shivering as Papyrus pet him, and Undyne scowled. What was with that guy? "O-ok... I w-will take his vitals, t-to see how he's b-been faring since l-last time. I-I might have s-something to- to change him back. b-but it's just a p-prototype... I-I don't know if it'll work..." Alphys turned to Undyne with a pointed stare. "Stay th-there." Undyne grumbled as Sans and Papyrus were led back to run through the checkup again and possibly, just maybe, get Sans back to how he was. Papyrus was hoping for the best, and if he had to raise Sans, so be it.


Once more, Sans stayed still for everything. He was noticeably calmer with Papyrus there, holding his hand every step of the way. Alphys ended up with a better baseline than the first time, and she could even confirm that Sans was, in fact, growing. He was getting taller, just as a child would, and putting on the weight to match. Papyrus was doing a good job of raising him and helping him grow. "O-ok... s-so what I-I've come up w-with is a-a drinkable serum th-that will h-help him g-grow up faster- b-back to th-the age he's s-supposed to be. S-simultaneously, it sh-should unlock th-the memories he h-has of that time w-when he grew u-up the first time." Alphys explained. Papyrus nearly melted with relief. IT WASN'T A SHOT, THANK THE STARS! "The p-process w-will still be s-slow though. I-if we don't d-do this right, we c-could overestimate his s-soul... one b-before naptime a-and one b-before bed. I-it will help his s-soul process everything a-and help him grow roughly two years a-a day." Papyrus nodded, more than ok with that.

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