At least he's happy..

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A few days later, Maiya decided to surprise him by renting him the shop that he really wanted by using the sovereigns she stole when she bumped into him. It was a mess but she knew he would be grateful and they would be able to fix it up, and this way they wouldn't have to be scared to be caught by Mrs Scrubbit, the police or Prodnose, Fickelgruber and Slugworth. She eventually showed him the place and he was happier than ever, he loved it! She was happy he liked it! She hoped they would be able to fix it up before anyone finds out or they need to pay again, "we only have a few sovereigns so we can only rent it for three days. But it's worth it." Maiya says to Wonka, "that's all we needed! Thank you so much, Maiya!" Wonka looks overjoyed. Maiya was happy that he was happy. He hugged Maiya, for the first time, Maiya let someone hug her and it actually felt nice..


The officer was there and they were trying to convince him to shut down the shop even though Maiya had payed with sovereigns. They were trying to repay him with chocolate, their own. The officer was slowly falling into their trap. Maiya and Wonka needed that shop or it was over for them and Maiya would always feel bad.  "What if we give you 1800 boxes?" Fickelgruber asked. The officer was hesitant and said, "I can't, the wife wants me to cut down on chocolate for, you know, the officers ball." Slugworth chuckled and said, "Even if you do gain a bit of weight, I have a tailor that can hide that." The officer finally gave in, oh no. "Alright." He replied, "I'll shut them down."

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