Sliver Wolf : The Hacker Gamer Girl of Punklord

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Bzzzt Bzzzt


"Let me sleep you stupid clock."

*knock* *knock*

"Wake up sleepy head breakfast's ready"

"Gnnnn... *sigh* no choice but to wake up then."

Reluctant, Stelle gets up from her bed and heads to the main room.

*yawn* "Good... morning."

"Morning, here is something to eat I got some business to take care of, so I will not be here today."

"Hm... another mission."

"No not a mission, a meeting with somebody."

"The type of meeting that you have to go alone I suppose."

"Exactly but since I know you will feel lonely if i'm not here somebody else will."

"I'm not feeling lonely when you're not there."

"I heard that and I will pretend it's not a lie."

"Is it Blade that is coming."

"No he got other things to do today, it's a little girl I think you will have fun with her she's really interesting."


"Then, see you later."

Hours later

Stelle just finished her regular training session.

"Haaa... haaa... it's not enough... I need to get stronger... much more stronger... channelling... my power through the bat is not enough... I need a breakthrough... because I'm just stagnating here..."

"Heh... Kafka said she had a little wild animal with her I thought that she was exaggerating but I was wrong."

As soon as she heard the voice Stelle backed off ready to fight immediately.

(Who is she? I didn't sense her coming here so how is she behind me, also she knows Kafka name and that i'm related to her... an IPC agent... No she doesn't look like one... Oh !? she's probably the person Kafka was talking about.)

"A little wild animal... I'll take the compliment however you don't seem that tall either."

"That's because I'm a late bloomer, don't worry about it."

"Okay... anyway what's your name ?"

"I'm Silver Wolf The Best Hacker in the universe."

"Silver Wolf... that's a weird name and what is a hacker."

"Silver Wolf is not my real name it's a pseudo and you really don't know what is a hacker."


"A hacker is someone who can do anything they want with a computer or a phone and go through any system even the most secured one but since i'm the best, be it behind a screen or in reality itself it doesn't make much difference for me I can hack anything and everything I'm Puncklord Super Hacker after all."

"So you're good with electronic stuff (an immortal warrior, Kafka who can manipulate anybody and someone who can hack reality itself as she says), Kafka really got impressive members in her group."

(But all of that beg the question why she wants me in her group when I'm not one inch of being as impressive as them.)

"Hey ! Let's play a game since there's nothing interesting to do here."

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