Love, Hate and Reflection

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M7 : "Hmm..." *yawn*

S : "Finally awake now I can finally use my left arm."

M7 : "Hmm... Ah !? Aaahhhh ! Since when you're awake."

S : "Why are you screaming like that."

M7 : "Oh !? Sorry... It's just that you fought against the military force and you said that will kill them and then we don't heard about you and when you come back you have blood all over you and then you pass out and then you don't wake up for 2 days and then... and then..."

S : "Can you just stop your making my head hurts talking like that."

M7 : "Sorry..."

S : "Rest assured I didn't... kill anybody... I think... I don't remember quite well to be honest but what I remember is that this Geppy guy was a real pain in the ass next time I see him I'll make him eat the dirt."

M7 : "..."

S : "Hey ! Pin... *sigh* what's your problem ?"

M7 : "While you were sleeping Dan Heng went back to the surface with Mage to see what happened and..."

S : "And... could you finish your statement... Please..."

M7 : "He told me that there were blood stained everywhere in front of the hotel and... and... he saw... a bunch of dead corpse there..."

S : "I see... (So that means I probably lose it in the heat of the battle again...) *sigh* what can I say it is what it is."

M7 : "That's all you have to say you... you... killed these people !"

S : "Yeah I killed them and..."

M7 : "Huh !? What do you mean "and..." we're talking about human life..."

S : "I mean I know we're talking about human life but they're already dead what do you want me to do to mourn them, to feel sorry for them, I don't even know them and they were soldiers dying is to be expected nothing new there."

M7 : "So you... you don't feel sorry for what you did."

S : "To be fair I don't feel anything, and I kinda saved your life back there also I want my revenge against Geppy he really got me back then I have to return the favor."

DH : "Before you do that we need to do something about our situation."

S : "And you have a plan."

DH : "When you were out of commission I talked to many people to see if we could find any information about the Stellaron."

S : "And... Did you found something ?"

DH : "The Wildfire don't know any about it but they told me that if someone had any info it would be a robot named Svarog."

M7 : (She's really conversing with him like she knew he was there the whole time.)

S : "And where is that robot ?"

DH : "In the Robot Settlement zone but from what I understand he not really friendly with human except for one."

M7 : "One ? Who could that be ?"

DH : "It's a little girl named Clara who also lives in the Robot Settlement zone."

While discussing their next course of action Natasha came rushing in.

N : "Did any of you saw Bronya around !"

S/M7/DH : *nod*

N : "So she's not here either *sigh*, one thing at a time first Stelle how are you feeling ?"

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