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The next morning I woke up in my dorm that I shared with no one considering my roommate left hogwarts this year. I got ready for the day and as I was walking out of my dorm I bumped into Theodore.

'Morning love' he replied
'Seriously Theo, leave the flirting in year 5 please.'

'Oh c'mon, it's fun.'
'No it's not, it's annoying. You're annoying.'
'Mhm, that's not what you said in our first year.'

'Piss off, I hate you.'
'Mm turns me on.' He teased
I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Theo was the type of person to bully you with a stupid crush you had on him in our first year.. obviously. I was young and stupid.

Me and theo walked to our class together. First class of the day was Defense Against The Dark Arts. I was curious to see what all the hype about professor Riddle was about.

The girls in the slytherin common room were loving him. Maybe a little too much..

I sat down in my seat next to Lorenzo, he greeted me with a smile which I returned of course.

'Good morning class' I heard the door to the classroom open.

Of course all the girls immediately turned their head. I only looked at him once he reached the front.

'Welcome to year 6, I will be your new professor this year. My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle which Dumbledore has kindly announced yesterday.'

His eyes gazed the room meeting mine again and then Lorenzo's afterwards. He frowned when he met Lorenzo's eyes.

'Good, take your books on page 50.'

I soon lost my focus in class. Don't get me wrong he's handsome but god his teaching killed me.

'Miss Malfoy.' My name shot me awake.
'Yes sir?'

'What is the name of the spell?'
'Sorry what spell sir?' He rolled his eyes.

'I suggest you pay attention during class Miss, you wouldn't want to be behind in DADA.' He said before returning his attention to Lorenzo.

'Berkshire perhaps you know?'
'Obliviate sir.' He answered
'Good, very good.'

Class went on I tried my best to stay focused by drawing on my sheet. Finally after awhile the bell rang.

I gathered my things before getting up ready to leave.
'Miss Malfoy, stay behind for a second will you?' Professor Riddle called out.

I stopped in my tracks and waited until he spoke again.

'Are you always like this during your classes. I find it very disrespectfull.'
He glared at me as he spoke.

'No sir.'
'Just mine then?'
'Sir.. I apologize I'll focus better next time.'
'Good. Off you go then.'

I got up ready to leave just before he spoke again.
'I suggest you take another look at everything we went over today, I wouldn't want you to get behind in class.'
'Will do sir.'

I left his classroom, when I got outside Lorenzo was waiting for me.
'What did he want?'

'He just told me to focus during class..'
'He bothers me.' He blurted out
'He looked at you like 20 times during class.. it's weird..'

I simply laughed.
'It's not funny Y/N!'
'No need to be jealous Berkshire.'
'I'm not! I'm saying it's weird.'
'Okay. C'mon or we're gonna be late.'

I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.


Obliviate(Professor Tom Riddle x Y/N Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now