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It was Tom, he was standing right in front of me. He hesitated before speaking.
'Is Lucius home?'

I stared at him before finally answering.
'No. He's not.'

'When will he be home.'
'Don't know..'
He sighed.
'You can wait till he gets home.'
I stepped aside letting him in.

Him and I took a seat at the table and I handed him a cup of coffee.
'Thank you.'
I nodded and sat down.

There was an awkward silence between us before he spoke again.
'How are you?'
He nodded.

'Are you mad at me?' He put down his cup
I hesitated.
He sighed.

'You know I would tell you if I could.'
'Tom please don't-'
He cut me off.

'I mean it Y/N.'
'Then prove it. Please Tom.'
He looked at me before running his hands through his hair.
'Why am I in danger Tom?'
'It's complicated.'
'I'll listen.'

He looked almost scared for a second.
'I don't know if I can protect you if I tell you. I don't want anything to happen to you..'
'Nothing will happen to me Tom.'

I took his hand in mine.
'My mother she died when I was young. Dad took care of me.. well he tried to. Eventually I was put into an orphanage..I felt different, nobody there talked to me. There was something wrong with me. Dumbledore took me under his wing and made me go to Hogwarts. But Y/N my father never wanted that for me. From the second I stepped inside that school he hated me. He's an evil man.. I don't where he is but he's looking for me, I know he is. He blames me for my mother. Wants to make me suffer for what "i put him through".'

'Tom.. that doesn't tell me why I'm in danger.'
'He wants to use everything against me. He will use you against me.'

'Why would he do that.. he doesn't know me.'
'He'll know I care about you. That's enough for him.'

The front door opened and dad walked in. He saw Tom and his face dropped.
'Y/N. Go upstairs.'
'Because I'm telling you to.'

I looked at Tom and he nodded. I groaned and walked upstairs slamming the door of my room.


Obliviate(Professor Tom Riddle x Y/N Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now