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A week had past since the first day of school. Slytherin was throwing it's first ever party which I was excited for. Me and Lorenzo we're going together, I was getting ready in my dorm.

A few minutes went by before someone knocked on my dorm.
'It's open!' I yelled

Draco walked in.
'I heard Riddle gave you a lecture earlier this week.' He spoke
'It wasn't like that'
'He's right you know. You should focus. Get your head straight Y/N we're not kids anymore.'

'What's your deal?' I asked annoyed
'I'm just saying okay?'

'Just go Draco.'
'I'll see you at the party.' With that he left.

I walked into Lorenzo's dorm without knocking because he was expecting me anyway.
'Hi, you ready?' I asked him

'Mhm, let's go.'
He grabbed my hand and led me out to the common room which was already packed with people from every house. I spotted Theo and Draco standing in the corner.

Me and Lorenzo walked over, him still dragging me around by my hand.

I saw Theo glance down at our hands before rolling his eyes. Not sure why he did that I shrugged it off.

Draco handed Enzo a drink before giving me my own.
After a couple drinks me and Theo we're dancing. I glanced at Enzo in the corner who was staring at me and gave him a smile. Which he returned.

The song changed and theo took advantage of that placing his hands on my waist. I looked at him and decided to just go with it.

We danced for awhile until Lorenzo came up to us.
'Y/N? You wanna get out of here?'
'Oh uh.. sure.' I told him

'Seriously Berkshire?' Theo spoke up
Lorenzo frowned
'You're such a dick.' He told Enzo
'Theo..' I knew it was all the alcohol talking

'Stay out of this.' He told my angrily.
'What's your problem?' Enzo asked him

'What's my problem?! What's your problem?! I'm having fun with Y/N and you can't handle it so now you wanna leave with her?!'

'Theo, stop.' I told him and he ignored me
'Y/N let's go.' Enzo tried grabbing my hand, but Theo pushed him back.

Lorenzo glared at Theo. Theo just pushed him again in response trying to get a reaction out of him.

I saw Lorenzo look at me not wanting to cause a scene.
'Theo.' I grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

Without a second he had punched Lorenzo in the face. Lorenzo quickly recovered and wiped his nose that was bleeding.

'Enzo, don't!'
But it was already too late, the two of them we're fighting each other. The crowd forming around them hyping them up. I didn't know what to do, until I was pushed aside by Professor Riddle who broke up the fight.

'All three of you in my office, now.' He glared at us.

We we're sitting down in chair infront of his desk expecting him to yell at us all.
'Care to explain?' He asked
Everyone stayed quiet.

'Miss Malfoy, perhaps you can explain?'
I was lost for words.
'Mister Berkshire?' He asked Lorenzo
'Theo punched me, I thought that was obvious.' He said annoyed

'Mister Nott?'
'I don't have anything to say sir.' He didn't even look at Tom
'It's pathetic really, you punch someone and you don't have anything to say afterwards? Shame for Slytherin you are.' He told Theodore

'Sir..I'm sure it was a mistake.' I spoke up.
'A mistake that got him detention, that is.'

'You too Berkshire. Now get out my office.'
The two boys got up with me following.
'Y/N, stay behind will you.' He demanded

I sat back down infront of him.

'You do realise they're both fighting over you right?' He stared at me
'That's just because they had too much to drink sir. It was a mistake.'

'If that's what you want to make of that. Y/N I've noticed your grades still haven't gone up.'
'I'm sorry sir, I'm really trying my best here. I mean i've tried everything to make me understand DADA but nothing works. I just don't get it.'

'Perhaps tutoring would.' He explained to me.
'Who would volunteer to tutor me though?'

'You?' I frowned
'You always complain about being busy though?'

'I can make time for you.'
'Well if you'd be down to do that then sure sir. I'd love that actually.'
'Good. Monday after class. Don't be late.'

'I won't be. Promise.'
I smiled and got up.

'Good evening Y/N.'
'Goodnight sir.'


Obliviate(Professor Tom Riddle x Y/N Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now