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Everything that happened that day got me thinking. I knew it was wrong..but it felt so right. I couldn't wrap my head around what had happened, I skipped my classes the next day knowing I couldn't just phase him after that.

Lorenzo came to check on me after classes since I didn't tell him anything.

'You sure you're okay?' He asked me
'I'm fine Enz, just not feeling well.'
'Okay well.. do you need anything?'

'I'm okay.'
'See you later then?' He wanted to let me rest.

'Yeah, goodnight.'

The next morning I woke up knowing I had to phase Tom that day. I was really hoping it wouldn't be awkward now.

I got ready for class, and walked there alone this time since Lorenzo went with Draco. When I was walking Theodore caught up with me.

'Y/N can we talk? Please?'
'What do you wanna talk about?' I kept walking

'I wanna apologize for last friday. I was drunk and I know that's a shitty excuse and it is but I really am sorry. I didn't mean to cause drama.'
'It's fine. Have you talked to Lorenzo?'

'No not yet..' he looked down
'He misses you Theo, you should.'

'He does?'
'You're still his friend.'
'I'll talk to him later.'

We got to DADA class and we walked in I avoided Toms burning gaze on me when I walked in with Theo following.

'He doesn't look to happy today..' Theo pointed out.

I finally looked up at him and noticed him glaring at Theo who was sitting next to me. I adjusted myself in my seat.

'You okay?' Theo asked me noticing me being uncomfortable.

I nodded.
He simply frowned but shrugged it off.

The class started and I noticed Tom picking on Theodore the entire lesson and I also knew why. Was he really this jealous? What we did was a mistake and it should not happen again.

'Nott the answer to question 3 please.' He demanded Theo to answer
'I don't know sir.' Theo wasn't paying attention.

'Pay attention in my class Mr. Nott otherwise you can enjoy detention later.'

Theo looked annoyed.

The class soon ended and I stayed behind to talk to Tom, this had to stop.

He knew I stayed behind but purposely waited for me to speak first.

'Really? You had to pick on him the entire class? Tom what happened 2days ago was a mistake. And it should never happen again.'

'That wasn't what you said on Monday now was it Y/N, begging me to let you cum on my fingers.' He began walking towards me.

'Telling me how good I felt.' He hovered above me.
'Was that all a mistake then..?'
'You know what I mean Tom.' I looked down.

'Don't be such a brat now Y/N, we both know you want me.'

He placed his hand on my thigh.
'Tell me to stop and I will.'
He kept sliding upwards and I grabbed his hand stopping him.

'You really wanna risk you're job for this Tom?'
'No one will find out.'
'What if they do?'

'Then i'll make sure they won't tell anyone.'

I looked at him and he looked down at me. He leaned closer..waiting for me to finally give in. I kissed him and he kissed me back passionately.

I could almost feel the smirk playing on his face when I pulled away.
'Stay with me tonight..' He told me
'We'd risk getting caught.'
'I don't give a damn Y/N.'

I looked at him, he really did mean it.

'I'll see you tonight.' He told me before I went on with my classes of the day.


Obliviate(Professor Tom Riddle x Y/N Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now