my name means resurrection

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I'm the kind of tired that leadens bones
When even lifting this pencil is a Herculean feat

And still you smile in my face with promises of beauty
Squeezing out precious pups to suckle your teat

I've seen all that you do, your lies, and the ugliness below
You're opium and when the high bleeds away, we agony

And yet they all chase you, want you, need you eternally
I've learned better, you've taken all, there's nothing left of me

You've stolen gentle nights on moonstained sands and silence
You've stifled my childish hopes of peace and deservant love

I refuse.

I will spit the blood and bone from my mouth
And rise again, again, anew

I gnash my teeth and swear once again to stand
And though I have no chance, I fight.

We human things are made to suffer and break and fall
So that we march on, onward, forever for a kinder shore

I am animal, ablaze, awake, and so very fucking alive,
You couldn't kill me before. Did you really think you could now?

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