Lying next to you is the only sanctuary I'll ever need

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I'd follow you from daylight to darkness and back again

If it pleased you, if you asked me, and held my hand on the way down

And when your hands are in mine, the incarnation completes and

All the tragedies make sense and my sins are absolved

The timbre of your voice when you promised, "I've got you,"

Is the closest I've been to living since my first breath

The earth of your eyes is the ground I stand on

And the blue of your veins is my sky above

It is heavy weakness in my knees and in my inhibitions

But your name on my tongue feels like rosary beads

Your arms are the only church I'll need again and

The mana of your lips against mine awakens long dead promises in my chest

And, at long last, I breathe again and rise to meet you

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