Chapter 2

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Jayson Smith

Phew, I am almost done with my first day. I had AP English for the first period, HN Pre-calculus for the second, a study hall for the third, history through film for the fourth, office security assistant for the fifth, lunch, ap biology for sixth and now it is time for AP Psychology for the seventh and final period, which will most likely be the highlight of my first day because I adore psychology.

Mr. Jensen is the teacher, and he said we would be learning about eating disorders, truma, personality disorders, and so on.

I was almost jumping out of my seat with joy when I heard the news, but I restrained myself.

Mr. Jensen handed us his contract and told us to return it by tomorrow or Wednesday or else it would be a zero in the grade book, and this class would be extremely difficult.

Oh shit I do not want that, I thought, but I will get it signed anyway.

Mr. Jensen asked us all our names, starting in one corner of the room and working his way around. When he asked my name, I said Jayson, and he smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Jayson."

He also inquired about the names of my friends Buffy and Matt, who introduced themselves to him and expressed their delight at meeting him.

He then asked Monty and Tino for their names, and they introduced their full names as well as their nick names, which Mr Jensen liked. I guess I still think they are assholes because I have known them since elementary school, and they have been mean people for no good reason, and I really do not know why to be honest.

When Monty and Tino sat down, they asked Matt, Buffy, and I what notebook they should get for psychology. We both said a five subject notebook because this class will require a lot of note taking. They responded, "Oh okay, thank you guys so much."

That is weird they were polite and not assholes to us that is a little strange but eh it is better than them being crude

Buffy blushed slightly whenever they said thank you, which Matt and I thought was odd but did not want to expose her in front of everyone.

I walked out with Matt and Buffy when the last bell rang for the day. We later met up with Carter and Tiffany, and when Tiffany asked if we could go to her house, she said, "I figured you guys should come to the house for the first time and meet my family." Oh, that sounds fun, can we order 6 large pizzas and 100 wings with different sauces, Tiffany said food is on me tonight? Sweet and thank you, we all replied. "You are welcome," she added.

But first, I have to pick up my younger brother Ashton and get him a snack before he goes to his therapy appointment today, and how has the little guy been? Carter said he is been doing well, it is just been a little difficult for the last 4 months since my family discovered he has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but he is high functioning and we want him to be comfortable and prepared for the future, awe that is good he is doing well they all said, yeah it is I said.

Okay, I have to leave. What time should we arrive at your house? Around 5:45 or 6:00 p.m.? Okay, I said, can you send me the address? Sure, I will send it in the group chat.rn Okay, we all said, okay, it is sent, okay, see you later.

Okay, I have to go pick up Maddy and Colin from school, bring them home, and then drive back to drop off Cody's car because he has football practice right now, and then after school has to go pick up Delilah and Justin from Serena's house because you know the whole shared custody thing that Serena and Cody agreed on, which is good.

Do you want a ride after dropping your car off at the school parking lot? Matt replied to Tiffany, "Yes, that would be awesome. I will stay and we can leave after you get back." Tiffany agreed.

Carter stated, "I have to wait for older brother Sebastian, who is currently at soccer practice."

Do you want to go for a ride as well? Matt stated

Yes, please, and we will all go whenever Tiffany returns.

Okay, guys, I said to them one last time.

Bye, Jayson. They said they would see you in a few hours.

I can not wait to see you, bye.

Cody Pierce

This has not been the best first day of school, but it has been adequate.

For my classes, I have AP English for the first period, HN Pre-Calculus for the second period, Study Hall for the third period, Yearbook for the fourth period, Lunch for the fifth period, AP Biology for the sixth period, and AP US American History 2 for the seventh period.

The rest of the teachers were either decent or good, but this history teacher is extremely rude, histrionic, and overall a very immature cunt of a teacher, but those were just first impressions, so I thought I would be proven wrong, but he is extremely rude and immature, so I have no choice but to take this awful fucking class.

He handed us the contract and told us to sign it the next day or else write it up, which was very nice of him, I thought sarcastically.

Okay, the class said irritably.

The bell rang 20 minutes later, and I dashed out the door with Jake and Nick oh my god, is a little bitch boy we all said.

He's an asshole that's for sure because damn he's rude

I met up with Monty and Tino, and they mentioned how great psychology would be this year, and while I was happy for them, I was not happy with my history class, so I pretended to smile and said, "I am excited for history, but you aren't," Nick and Jake said.

Okay, it is time for some brutal football practice. Monty said to us, "Yup, time for torture, oh sorry, I meant leg day."

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